I would like some vbscript code that is attached to a command button. It should open an Excel spreadsheet in Excel the application not within the browser.
' Launch Excel
dim app
set app = createobject("Excel.Application"
' Make it visible
app.Visible = true
' Add a new workbook
dim wb
set wb = app.workbooks.add
' Fill array of values first...
dim arr(19,9) ' Note: VBScript is zero-based
for i = 1 to 20
for j = 1 to 10
arr(i-1,j-1) = i*j
' Declare a range object to hold our data
dim rng
set rng = wb.Activesheet.Range("A1".Resize(20,10)
' Now assign them all in one shot...
rng.value = arr
' Add a new chart based on the data
wb.ActiveChart.ChartType = 70 'xl3dPieExploded
wb.ActiveChart.SetSourceData rng, 2 ' xlColumns
wb.ActiveChart.Location 2, "Sheet1" 'xlLocationAsObject
' Rotate it around...
for i = 1 to 360 step 30
wb.activechart.rotation = i
' Give the user control of Excel
app.UserControl = true
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