Many folks know that you can open a form or class and have a specific method opened for initial display, as in:
[tt]modify form MyForm method cmdSave.Click[/tt]
[tt]modify class MyClass of MyVCX method init[/tt]
But did you know that you can also pre-position the cursor on a specific line? Simply add a comma and the line number to the end:
[tt]modify form MyForm method cmdSave.Click, 24[/tt]
[tt]modify class MyClass of MyVCX method init, 305[/tt]
This technique is very handy for the ubiquitous code/run/debug/fix cycle. [sig]<p>Robert Bradley<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= - Visual FoxPro Development</a><br> [/sig]
[tt]modify form MyForm method cmdSave.Click[/tt]
[tt]modify class MyClass of MyVCX method init[/tt]
But did you know that you can also pre-position the cursor on a specific line? Simply add a comma and the line number to the end:
[tt]modify form MyForm method cmdSave.Click, 24[/tt]
[tt]modify class MyClass of MyVCX method init, 305[/tt]
This technique is very handy for the ubiquitous code/run/debug/fix cycle. [sig]<p>Robert Bradley<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= - Visual FoxPro Development</a><br> [/sig]