How do I open a form by using a date.
I have a planner form which shows the month & daily dates.
I want to be able to open another form which has the same dates on it.By using the dbl click event on the planner form and that to open a form.
I have used this code;
Private sub date1_dblClick(cancel As Integer)
docmd.openform "day1a" ,,,"date1=" & me.date1
This will open the form, but will not show any data.
many thanks,,
How do I open a form by using a date.
I have a planner form which shows the month & daily dates.
I want to be able to open another form which has the same dates on it.By using the dbl click event on the planner form and that to open a form.
I have used this code;
Private sub date1_dblClick(cancel As Integer)
docmd.openform "day1a" ,,,"date1=" & me.date1
This will open the form, but will not show any data.
many thanks,,