Thank you for the help on the hyperlink. I now want (Getting greedy over here) a link to e-mail addresses as well and would like to know how to do this. If i entered an e-mail address into a field (txtemail) then i would like to be able to click on that field so the database opens a blank email ready to type and send to the e-mail address (retrieved from the field in the database).
address :
post code :
web address :
email address:
so you click on the right of the ":" and it opens a email template ready to type and send. So basically if you ent to a sight it would say contact me. I want to incorporate that into my database.
How do i do this?
address :
post code :
web address :
email address:
so you click on the right of the ":" and it opens a email template ready to type and send. So basically if you ent to a sight it would say contact me. I want to incorporate that into my database.
How do i do this?