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opactiy does not copy to animation shop 1

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Aug 2, 2002
I created a basic image (a text box with a small amount of text), and then created nine more layers using the "copy" and "past as new layer" tools. I then set the opacity of each layer to a different amount, so the first layer was 10%, the second was 20%..... you get the idea! I then wanted to copy each layer into an animation so that it looked like the text was "fading in" if you know what I mean. I hid all the layers except the first one (which was 10% opacity) and selected copy and pasted it into the first frame of the animation, I then hide layer1 and viewed layer2 and did the same....... until I got to layer10. However, the opacity didn't copy over to animation shop, why is this? Each piece of text was the eact same. Any help anybody? :)
Did you make sure that you selected the layer that was visible prior to copying and pasting into animation shop?

Hi again Mike,

yes, I did. I also tried copy merged (is this for use only when you have two layers visible perhaps?) but that didn't do anything at all. I learnt about the opactiy from one of your tutorials, (I can't remember the exact URL now though) and I noticed in yours there was an extra "layer" called background, it didn't appear to be a vector or raster layer, am I correct? I don't have this, could that be why? I'm guessing they don't need to be raster layers for this to work, or do they? They appear find in PSP, it's only when I copy the layer to aniamtion shop that it does this.

Thanks again for responding to my queries
please can anybody help me out here, I've tried everything i can think of and it still doesn't work. I tried converting the layer to a raster layer but that didn't work either. could it be an installation problem?

Please... anybody at ALL???
Here is a link to a tutorial I idi which does what you are wanting to do. It is a more advanced tutorial, but if you take your time, you should do just fine.

If this doesn't work for you or there are problems, let me know which step you encounter a problem.


thanks for all your offers of help, and sorry for not responding sooner (woz away for a few days). I FINALLY managed to sort my problem. When I was creating the text, it was in a vector layer, so when I was selecting "copy", I wasn't copying the layer, I was copying the selection (the actual text) - that's why the opacity wasn't copying over. I converted the layer to a raster layer and it worked perfect.

Again, thanks for all your help, and congratulations on the tutorials

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