I have an email wrapper class I use for my applications.
Most of the time it works fine, however, I am having some timing issues between the drafts , outbox and sent items folders.
I have found that even if the user clicks 'send' on an email in Outlook, as it can take time to move from drafts to the outbox, sometimes my code is catching the email still in drafts even though the email was sent causing my code to think the email hadn't been sent.
I have also found that if the email goes to the outbox, and then my code looks for the email, if it hasn't started to send yet, grabbing the email via OOM VBA, seems to stop the email ever transmitting.
I'm looking for advice on how I can manage accurately the transition between drafts / outbox / sent items without interrupting the process or my code incorrectly identifying emails in folders they aren't (well they were at the time it checked but for a Nano-second).
The incidents are seldom and random and possibly relate to network speeds, PC speeds, A/V scanning glitches, exchange loads etc..
I have added a generic 'sleep' command between operations, which for many users (including remote), this does work 99% of the time, but as the speed of email creation to transmission is random throughout the day, it's not an idea solution, it doesn't work 100% of the time and I'm reluctant to add yet more hardcoded 'slow down' into the application.
The current main 'slow down' is in the method 'ResetStatus' which is called by a few methods, you will see it has a 'DoEvents' to try to let the OS do it's stuff (Outlook) and a 'Sleep 2000' - This doesn't however appear to be enough some of the time?
Perhaps it is not the code but the A/V (McAfee) causing the problems?
Your advice is appreciated.
Here is the current class...
"In complete darkness we are all the same, it is only our knowledge and wisdom that separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you."
"If a shortcut was meant to be easy, it wouldn't be a shortcut, it would be the way!"
Free Electronic Dance Music
I have an email wrapper class I use for my applications.
Most of the time it works fine, however, I am having some timing issues between the drafts , outbox and sent items folders.
I have found that even if the user clicks 'send' on an email in Outlook, as it can take time to move from drafts to the outbox, sometimes my code is catching the email still in drafts even though the email was sent causing my code to think the email hadn't been sent.
I have also found that if the email goes to the outbox, and then my code looks for the email, if it hasn't started to send yet, grabbing the email via OOM VBA, seems to stop the email ever transmitting.
I'm looking for advice on how I can manage accurately the transition between drafts / outbox / sent items without interrupting the process or my code incorrectly identifying emails in folders they aren't (well they were at the time it checked but for a Nano-second).
The incidents are seldom and random and possibly relate to network speeds, PC speeds, A/V scanning glitches, exchange loads etc..
I have added a generic 'sleep' command between operations, which for many users (including remote), this does work 99% of the time, but as the speed of email creation to transmission is random throughout the day, it's not an idea solution, it doesn't work 100% of the time and I'm reluctant to add yet more hardcoded 'slow down' into the application.
The current main 'slow down' is in the method 'ResetStatus' which is called by a few methods, you will see it has a 'DoEvents' to try to let the OS do it's stuff (Outlook) and a 'Sleep 2000' - This doesn't however appear to be enough some of the time?
Perhaps it is not the code but the A/V (McAfee) causing the problems?
Your advice is appreciated.
Here is the current class...
Option Explicit
' Sleep API
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
' Instance attribute emailwrapper components
Private sSubject As String
Private cTO As New Collection
Private cBCC As New Collection
Private cCC As New Collection
Private sBody As String
Private cFiles As New Collection
Private cItems As New Collection
Private cItemTypes As New Collection
Private sDraftsID As String
Private iTimeOut As Integer
Private bShowProgress As Boolean
Private sEmailRef As String
Private oProgress As Object
Private cProgressMsg As New Collection
Private bSave As Boolean
Private iMaxSentItems As Integer
Private iTimeOutCnt As Integer
Private sSender As String
' Errors / Status
Private oErrors As Object
Private oStatus As Object
' Outlook object
Private oApp As Object
Private oMsg As Object
' Constants
Const olMailItem As Integer = 0
Const olTO As Integer = 1
Const olCC As Integer = 2
Const olBCC As Integer = 3
Const olEmailMsg As Integer = 3
Const olOutbox As Integer = 4
Const olSentItems As Integer = 5
Const olText As Integer = 1
Const PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG = "[URL unfurl="true"]http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x370E001E"[/URL]
Const PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID = "[URL unfurl="true"]http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x3712001E"[/URL]
Const PR_ATTACHMENT_HIDDEN = "[URL unfurl="true"]http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x7FFE000B"[/URL]
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
' Initialise vars
sDraftsID = "" ' Email ID
sEmailRef = "" ' Email Reference
iMaxSentItems = 10 ' Sent items history range default
iTimeOut = 30 ' Timeout default
iTimeOutCnt = 0 ' Current timeout counter
sSender = "" ' Sender email
' Internal error codes
Set oErrors = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
oErrors.Add 0, "No errors"
oErrors.Add 1, "Can't open Outlook, process aborted!"
oErrors.Add 2, "Failed to create email."
oErrors.Add 3, "Failed to display email."
oErrors.Add 4, "Failed to send email."
oErrors.Add 5, "Failed to save email."
oErrors.Add 6, "Failed to delete email from drafts."
oErrors.Add 7, "Failed to get email from drafts."
oErrors.Add 8, "Can't save email, no email reference is available."
oErrors.Add 9, "Can't save email, email is still in drafts."
oErrors.Add 10, "Can't save email, timeout reached!"
oErrors.Add 11, "Can't save email, file path doesn't exist!"
oErrors.Add 12, "Invalid drive letter for saving email"
oErrors.Add 13, "No email recipients set, process aborted!"
oErrors.Add 14, "Error trying to retrieve sent email!"
oErrors.Add 99, "Internal system error, seek support!"
' Status
Set oStatus = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
oStatus.Add "OK", True
oStatus.Add "Error", 0
oStatus.Add "Msg", ""
' Progress window
bShowProgress = True
Set oProgress = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
oProgress.Add "Msg", cProgressMsg
Call InitProgress("Progress_Info", "Progress", False, True)
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
On Error Resume Next
Call AddProgress("Email processing complete.")
' Close progress window
If oProgress.Item("Close") Then
DoCmd.Close acForm, oProgress.Item("Frm")
End If
End Sub
' Get internal error description
Public Property Get ErrorDesc() As String
ErrorDesc = oErrors.Item(oStatus.Item("Error"))
End Property
' Get error code
Public Property Get ErrorCode() As Integer
ErrorCode = oStatus.Item("Error")
End Property
' Get OK status
Public Property Get OK() As Boolean
OK = oStatus.Item("OK")
End Property
' Get status messgage
Public Property Get StatusMsg() As String
If Nz(oStatus.Item("Msg"), "") = "" Then
StatusMsg = Me.ErrorDesc
StatusMsg = oStatus.Item("Msg")
End If
End Property
' Get show progress
Public Property Get ShowProgress() As Boolean
ShowProgress = bShowProgress
End Property
' Get progress messages
Public Property Get ProgressMsg() As Collection
Set ProgressMsg = oProgress.Item("Msg")
End Property
' Get email body
Public Property Get Body() As String
Body = sBody
End Property
' Get timeout
Public Property Get Timeout() As Integer
Timeout = iTimeOut
End Property
' Get email subject
Public Property Get Subject() As String
Subject = sSubject
End Property
' Get email reference
Public Property Get EmailRef() As String
EmailRef = sEmailRef
End Property
' Get draft email ID
Public Property Get DraftsID() As String
DraftsID = sDraftsID
End Property
' Get sent items range
Public Property Get MaxSentItems() As Integer
MaxSentItems = iMaxSentItems
End Property
' Get Sender Property
Public Property Get Sender() As String
Sender = sSender
End Property
' Set email subject
Public Property Let Subject(ByVal aValue As String)
sSubject = aValue
End Property
' Set timeout (in seconds)
Public Property Let Timeout(ByVal aValue As Integer)
iTimeOut = aValue
End Property
' Set email body
Public Property Let Body(ByVal aValue As String)
sBody = aValue
End Property
' Set email reference
Public Property Let EmailRef(ByVal aValue As String)
sEmailRef = aValue
End Property
' Set sent items range
Public Property Let MaxSentItems(ByVal aValue As Integer)
iMaxSentItems = aValue
End Property
' Set Sender Property
Public Property Let Sender(ByVal aValue As String)
sSender = aValue
End Property
' Set show progress
Public Property Let ShowProgress(ByVal aValue As Boolean)
bShowProgress = aValue
End Property
' Add TO recipient
Public Sub AddTO(ByVal sRecip As String)
cTO.Add (sRecip)
End Sub
' Add BCC recipient
Public Sub AddBCC(ByVal sRecip As String)
cBCC.Add (sRecip)
End Sub
' Add CC recipient
Public Sub AddCC(ByVal sRecip As String)
cCC.Add (sRecip)
End Sub
' Add file attachment
Public Sub AddAttachment(ByVal file As String)
cFiles.Add (file)
End Sub
' Add inline attachment item and type
Public Sub AddInline(ByVal i As String, ByVal t As String)
cItems.Add (i)
cItemTypes.Add (t)
End Sub
' Clear progress messages
Public Sub ClearProgress()
Set oProgress.Item("Msg") = New Collection
End Sub
' Clear TO recipients
Public Sub ClearTO()
Set cTO = New Collection
End Sub
' Clear CC recipients
Public Sub ClearCC()
Set cCC = New Collection
End Sub
' Clear BCC recipients
Public Sub ClearBCC()
Set cBCC = New Collection
End Sub
' Clear TO recipients
Public Sub ClearRecips()
End Sub
' Create email routine
Public Sub Create()
On Error GoTo Create_Email_Error
Dim olAttach As Object
Dim oAttach As Object
Dim iCnt As Integer
Dim oRecip As Object
Dim oPA As Object
Dim vEml As Variant
Dim vAtt As Variant
' Reset status
Call ResetStatus
' Clear save flag
bSave = False
' Check outlook open and create outlook object
If CheckOutlook And CreateOutlook Then
' Create new mail item
Set oMsg = oApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Call AddProgress("Creating email, please wait.")
With oMsg
' Add TO recipients
If cTO.Count > 0 Then
Call AddProgress("Adding TO recipients.")
For Each vEml In cTO
Set oRecip = .Recipients.Add(vEml)
oRecip.Type = olTO
End If
' Add CC recipients
If cCC.Count > 0 Then
Call AddProgress("Adding CC recipients.")
For Each vEml In cCC
Set oRecip = .Recipients.Add(vEml)
oRecip.Type = olCC
End If
' Add BCC recipients
If cBCC.Count > 0 Then
Call AddProgress("Adding BCC recipients.")
For Each vEml In cBCC
Set oRecip = .Recipients.Add(vEml)
oRecip.Type = olBCC
End If
' Set email subject
Call AddProgress("Adding email description / subject.")
.Subject = Nz(sSubject, "")
' Set body HTML
Call AddProgress("Adding email body.")
.HTMLBody = Nz(sBody, "")
' add email reference
If sEmailRef <> "" Then
Call AddProgress("Adding email reference.")
.UserProperties.Add "EmailRef", olText
.UserProperties.Item("EmailRef").Value = sEmailRef
bSave = True
bSave = False
End If
' check for sender address
If Sender <> "" Then
.SentOnBehalfOfName = Sender
End If
End With
' Clear recipient object
Set oRecip = Nothing
' Check items for mime encoding
If cItems.Count > 0 Then
Call AddProgress("Adding inline attachments.")
' Attach items
Set olAttach = oMsg.Attachments
For iCnt = 1 To cItems.Count
Set oAttach = olAttach.Add(cItems.Item(iCnt))
Set oPA = oAttach.PropertyAccessor
oPA.SetProperty PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG, cItemTypes.Item(iCnt)
oPA.SetProperty PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID, "item" & iCnt
End If
' Add normal file attachments
If cFiles.Count > 0 Then
Call AddProgress("Adding standard attachments.")
For Each vAtt In cFiles
oMsg.Attachments.Add (vAtt)
End If
' Save email
Call AddProgress("Saving email to drafts.", True)
sDraftsID = oMsg.EntryID
End If
' clean up objects
Set oAttach = Nothing
Set oPA = Nothing
Set olAttach = Nothing
Set vEml = Nothing
Set vAtt = Nothing
Set oMsg = Nothing
Set oApp = Nothing
Exit Sub
If err.Number = 287 Then
' Can't open Outlook
Call AddError(1)
If err.Number = 440 Then
' no email recipients set
Call AddError(13)
' Failed to create email
Call AddError(2, err.Description)
End If
End If
' Clean up Outlook email
If Not oMsg Is Nothing Then
On Error Resume Next
Set oMsg = Nothing
End If
Resume Exit_Create_Email
End Sub
' Display email routine
Public Sub Display()
On Error GoTo Display_Email_Error
' Get email
If GetEmail Then
' Add progress
Call AddProgress("Displaying email.", True)
' Display email
' activate to try and bring to foreground
End If
' Clear Outlook email objects
Call ClearOutlook
Exit Sub
Call AddError(3, err.Description)
Resume Exit_Display_Email
End Sub
' Send email routine
Public Sub Send()
On Error GoTo Send_Email_Error
' Reset status
Call ResetStatus
' Get email
If GetEmail Then
' Add progress
Call AddProgress("Sending email, please wait.")
' Send email
End If
' Clear Outlook email objects
Call ClearOutlook
Exit Sub
Call AddError(4, err.Description)
Resume Exit_Send_Email
End Sub
' Delete email routine
Public Sub Delete()
On Error GoTo Delete_Email_Error
' Get email
If GetEmail Then
' Delete email
' Add progress
Call AddProgress("Email has been deleted.")
End If
' Clear Outlook email objects
Call ClearOutlook
Exit Sub
Call AddError(6, err.Description)
Resume Exit_Delete_Email
End Sub
' Save email routine
Public Sub Save(ByVal sDestPath As String, ByVal sFilename As String, Optional bCreate As Boolean = False)
On Error GoTo Save_Email_Error
Dim sDest As String
' Reset timeout counter
iTimeOutCnt = 0
' Reset status
Call ResetStatus
' Check if save possible
If Not bSave Or Nz(sEmailRef, "") = "" Then
Call AddError(8)
' Check email in drafts - can't save
If Me.OK And GetEmail Then
Call AddError(9)
' So far so good - reset status and continue
Call ResetStatus
' Check outbox and see if email is still sending
Do While CheckOutbox And iTimeOutCnt <= iTimeOut
Call AddProgress("Still sending email, please wait.")
iTimeOutCnt = iTimeOutCnt + 3
Sleep 3000
' Try to get email from sent items
Do While Me.OK And iTimeOutCnt <= iTimeOut And Not GetSentEmail
Call AddProgress("Trying to retrieve email, please wait.")
iTimeOutCnt = iTimeOutCnt + 1
Sleep 1000
' Check if timed out
If iTimeOutCnt >= iTimeOut Then
Call AddError(10)
End If
' Continue if no errors
If Me.OK Then
' Check if path exists / cannot be created
If Not CheckPath(sDestPath, bCreate) Then
Call AddError(11)
Call AddProgress("Saving email, please wait.")
' Save email
sDest = sDestPath & "\" & Replace(sFilename, ".msg", "", , , vbTextCompare) & ".msg"
oMsg.SaveAs sDest, olEmailMsg
Call AddProgress("Emailed saved successfully.")
End If
End If
End If
End If
' Clear Outlook email objects
Call ClearOutlook
Exit Sub
' Failed to save email
Call AddError(5, err.Description)
Resume Exit_Save_Email
End Sub
' Initialise progress window
Public Sub InitProgress(ByVal sFormName As String, ByVal sTextCtrl As String, ByVal bHide As Boolean, ByVal bClose As Boolean, Optional ByVal sSubFormName As String = "")
On Error Resume Next
Dim cTextBox As Access.TextBox
' Open form if not open
If Not CurrentProject.AllForms(sFormName).IsLoaded Then
DoCmd.OpenForm sFormName, acNormal
End If
' Hide form
If bHide Then
Forms(sFormName).Visible = False
End If
' Set textbox control
If sSubFormName <> "" Then
Set cTextBox = Forms(sFormName).Controls(sSubFormName).Form.Controls(sTextCtrl)
Set cTextBox = Forms(sFormName).Controls(sTextCtrl)
End If
' Set progress vars
oProgress.Add "Frm", sFormName
oProgress.Add "Ctrl", cTextBox
oProgress.Add "Close", bClose
oProgress.Add "Hide", bHide
End Sub
' Check Outlook helper
Private Function CheckOutlook() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Outlook_Error
CheckOutlook = True
Dim olApp As Object
' Check outlook
Call AddProgress("Checking Outlook is open.")
Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
Set olApp = Nothing
Exit Function
' Outlook not open
If err.Number = 429 Then
Call AddProgress("Trying to open Outlook.")
Call Shell("Outlook.exe")
Sleep 1000
Resume Next
CheckOutlook = False
Call AddError(99, err.Description)
End If
End Function
' Add errors helper
Private Sub AddError(ByVal iErr As Integer, Optional ByVal sMSG As String = "")
oStatus.Item("OK") = False
oStatus.Item("Error") = iErr
If sMSG <> "" Then
oStatus.Item("Msg") = sMSG
End If
End Sub
' Add progress helper
Public Sub AddProgress(ByVal sMSG As String, Optional bHide As Boolean = False)
oProgress.Item("Msg").Add (sMSG)
If bShowProgress Then
Call ShowProgressMsg(bHide)
End If
End Sub
' Reset status helper
Private Sub ResetStatus()
' let OS do stuff
' reset flags
oStatus.Item("OK") = True
oStatus.Item("Error") = 0
oStatus.Item("Msg") = ""
' pause just to let things initiate
Sleep 2000
End Sub
' Show progress message
Private Sub ShowProgressMsg(ByVal bHide As Boolean)
' Check if form open
If Not CurrentProject.AllForms(oProgress.Item("Frm")).IsLoaded Then
DoCmd.OpenForm oProgress.Item("Frm"), acNormal
End If
' Check if form visible
If Not Forms(oProgress.Item("Frm")).Visible Then
Forms(oProgress.Item("Frm")).Visible = True
End If
' Update message window
oProgress.Item("Ctrl").Value = Nz(oProgress.Item("Ctrl").Value, "") & oProgress.Item("Msg").Item(oProgress.Item("Msg").Count) & vbCrLf
' Move cursor
oProgress.Item("Ctrl").SelStart = Len(oProgress.Item("Ctrl").Value)
' Hide message window if required
If bHide And oProgress.Item("Hide") Then
Forms(oProgress.Item("Frm")).Visible = False
End If
' Ensure screen is refreshed
End Sub
' Get draft email helper
Public Function GetEmail() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Error_GetEmail
GetEmail = False
' Reset status
Call ResetStatus
' Check Outlook open
If CheckOutlook And CreateOutlook Then
' Get email from drafts
Set oMsg = oApp.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetItemFromID(sDraftsID)
' Got email
GetEmail = True
End If
Exit Function
If err.Number = 440 Then
' Email not in drafts
Call AddError(7)
' All other errors
Call AddError(99, err.Description)
End If
' Clear Outlook email objects
Call ClearOutlook
Resume Exit_GetEmail
End Function
' Clear Outlook object helper
Private Sub ClearOutlook()
Set oMsg = Nothing
Set oApp = Nothing
End Sub
' Create Outlook helper
Private Function CreateOutlook() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Error_CreateOutlook
CreateOutlook = True
' Create Outlook object
Set oApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Exit Function
CreateOutlook = False
If err.Number = 287 Then
' Can't open Outlook
Call AddError(1)
' All other errors
Call AddError(99, err.Description)
End If
Resume Exit_CreateOutlook
End Function
' Check outbox for email
Public Function CheckOutbox() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Error_CheckOutbox
Dim oItems As Object
Dim bFound As Boolean
Dim bSending As Boolean
Dim oOutbox As Object
Dim bSent As Boolean
' Set vars
bFound = False
bSending = False
' Get outlook outbox items
If CreateOutlook Then
Set oItems = oApp.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olOutbox).Items
' Get first item
Set oOutbox = oItems.GetFirst
' Check if matches
If (oOutbox.UserProperties.Item("EmailRef") Is Nothing) Then
bFound = False
bFound = (oOutbox.UserProperties.Item("EmailRef").Value = sEmailRef)
End If
' Loop rest of outbox items
Do While (Not (oMsg Is Nothing)) And (Not bFound) And (Not bSent)
' Get next item
Set oOutbox = oItems.GetNext
' Check if matches
If (oOutbox.UserProperties.Item("EmailRef") Is Nothing) Then
bFound = False
bFound = (oOutbox.UserProperties.Item("EmailRef").Value = sEmailRef)
End If
End If
Set oItems = Nothing
Set oOutbox = Nothing
Call ClearOutlook
CheckOutbox = bFound Or (bSending And (Not bSent))
Exit Function
If err.Number = -2147221228 Then
bSending = True
bSent = GetSentEmail
Resume Next
Resume Exit_CheckOutbox
End If
End Function
' Check sent items for email
Private Function GetSentEmail() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Error_GetSentEmail
Dim oItems As Object
Dim bFound As Boolean
Dim iCnt As Integer
bFound = False
iCnt = 1
' Get outlook sent items
If CreateOutlook Then
Set oItems = oApp.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olSentItems).Items
' Get last item
Set oMsg = oItems.GetLast
' Check if matched
If (oMsg.UserProperties.Item("EmailRef") Is Nothing) Then
bFound = False
bFound = (oMsg.UserProperties.Item("EmailRef").Value = sEmailRef)
End If
' Loop rest of sent items based on max sent items range
Do While (Not bFound) And (iCnt <= iMaxSentItems) And (Not (oMsg Is Nothing))
' Get next mail item
Set oMsg = oItems.GetPrevious
iCnt = iCnt + 1
' Check if matches
If (oMsg.UserProperties.Item("EmailRef") Is Nothing) Then
bFound = False
bFound = (oMsg.UserProperties.Item("EmailRef").Value = sEmailRef)
End If
End If
Set oItems = Nothing
GetSentEmail = bFound
Exit Function
Call AddError(14)
Call ClearOutlook
Resume Exit_GetSentEmail
End Function
' Check path helper
Private Function CheckPath(ByVal sPath As String, ByVal bCreate As Boolean) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Error_CheckPath
Dim vDrive As Variant
Dim vPath As Variant
CheckPath = False
Dim sDir As String
Dim i As Integer
sDir = ""
If Len(Trim(Dir(sPath, vbDirectory))) = 0 Then
If bCreate Then
' Get drive
vDrive = Split(sPath, ":", , vbTextCompare)
If UBound(vDrive) <> 1 Then
Call AddError(12)
' Split out path
vPath = Split(vDrive(1), "\", , vbTextCompare)
sDir = vDrive(0) & ":"
' Loop and create
For i = 0 To UBound(vPath)
sDir = sDir & vPath(i) & "\"
If Len(Trim(Dir(sDir, vbDirectory))) = 0 Then
MkDir sDir
End If
Next i
End If
If Len(Trim(Dir(sPath, vbDirectory))) > 0 Then
CheckPath = True
End If
End If
CheckPath = True
End If
Exit Function
CheckPath = False
Call AddError(99, err.Description)
Resume Exit_CheckPath
End Function
"In complete darkness we are all the same, it is only our knowledge and wisdom that separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you."
"If a shortcut was meant to be easy, it wouldn't be a shortcut, it would be the way!"
Free Electronic Dance Music