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onmouseover only working in FF

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May 24, 2007
My head has a bump on it, where it has met the wall.

The following code works fine in FF (2.0), but in IE (6.0 or 7.0) or Opera (9.21) or Safari (2.0.4), nada. (A syntax error is flagged, but the line referenced is goofy). Can someone with fresh eyes comment?

Code follows... (Sorry, I stuffed the entire tooltip js code inline)

<script type="text/javascript">
document.write('<a href="#" onmouseover="return escape(');
document.write("<form id=\'rate\' class=\'rate\' action=\'\' method=\'post\'><div><input type=\'radio\' name=\'vote\' value=\'5\'/>Excellent</div><div><input type=\'radio\' name=\'vote\' value=\'4\'/>Good</div><div><input type=\'radio\' name=\'vote\' value=\'3\'/>Average</div><div><input type=\'radio\' name=\'vote\' value=\'2\'/>Poor</div><div><input type=\'radio\' name=\'vote\' value=\'1\'/>Awful</div><input type=\'hidden\' name=\'id\' value=\'7\'/><input class=\'send\' type=\'submit\' name=\'act\' value=\'Rate It\' onclick=\'javascript:dismiss(); return false;\'/><input class=\'send\' type=\'button\' name=\'act\' value=\'Cancel\' onclick=\'javascript:dismiss(); return false;\'/></form>");
document.write(')">Rate this...</a>');

<!-- Begin tooltip script -->
<script type="text/javascript">

/* This notice must be untouched at all times.

wz_tooltip.js    v. 3.25

The latest version is available at
[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.walterzorn.com[/URL]
or [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.devira.com[/URL]
or [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.walterzorn.de[/URL]

Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Walter Zorn. All rights reserved.
Created 1. 12. 2002 by Walter Zorn (Web: [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.walterzorn.com[/URL] )
Last modified: 21. 4. 2004

Cross-browser tooltips working even in Opera 5 and 6,
as well as in NN 4, Gecko-Browsers, IE4+, Opera 7 and Konqueror.
No onmouseouts required.
Appearance of tooltips can be individually configured
via commands within the onmouseovers.

This program is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU General Public License
at [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html[/URL] for more details.

////////////////  GLOBAL TOOPTIP CONFIGURATION  /////////////////////
var ttBgColor      = 'lightyellow';
var ttBgImg        = '';           // path to background image;
var ttBorderColor  = '#606060';
var ttBorderWidth  = 1;
var ttDelay        = 500;          // time span until tooltip shows up [milliseconds]
var ttFontColor    = '#000000';
var ttFontFace     = 'arial,helvetica,sans-serif';
var ttFontSize     = '11px';
var ttFontWeight   = 'normal';     // alternative is 'bold';
var ttOffsetX      = 8;            // horizontal offset of left-top corner from mousepointer
var ttOffsetY      = 19;           // vertical offset                   "
var ttPadding      = 3;            // spacing between border and content
var ttShadowColor  = '';
var ttShadowWidth  = 0;
var ttTitleColor   = '#ffffff';    // color of caption text
var ttWidth        = 'auto';
var ttSticky       = false;        // tt_obj sticky?
////////////////////  END OF TOOLTIP CONFIG  ////////////////////////

//////////////  OVERRIDING TOOPTIP CONFIGURATION  ///////////////////
ttBgColor      = '#e0e0e0';
ttBorderWidth  = 0;
ttDelay        = 250;
ttOffsetX      = -20;          // horizontal offset
ttOffsetY      = 10;           // vertical offset
ttSticky       = true;
////////////////////  END OF TOOLTIP CONFIG  ////////////////////////

//////////////  TAGS WITH TOOLTIP FUNCTIONALITY  ////////////////////
// List may be extended or shortened:
//var tt_tags = new Array('a','area','b','big','caption','center','code','dd','div','dl','dt','em','h1','h2','h3','h4','h5','h6','i','img','input','li','map','ol','p','pre','s','small','span','strike','strong','sub','sup','table','td','th','tr','tt','u','var','ul','layer');
var tt_tags = new Array('a');

///////// DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE /////////////////////
var tt_obj,                // current tooltip
tt_objW = 0, tt_objH = 0,  // width and height of tt_obj
tt_objX = 0, tt_objY = 0,
tt_offX = 0, tt_offY = 0,
xlim = 0, ylim = 0,        // right and bottom borders of visible client area
tt_above = false,          // true if T_ABOVE cmd
tt_static = false,         // tt_obj static?
tt_sticky = false,      // tt_obj sticky?
tt_wait = false,
tt_vis = false,            // tooltip visibility flag
tt_dwn = false,            // true while tooltip below mousepointer
tt_u = 'undefined',
tt_inputs = new Array();   // drop-down-boxes to be hidden in IE

var tt_db = (document.compatMode && document.compatMode != 'BackCompat')? document.documentElement : document.body? document.body : null,
tt_n = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();

// Browser flags
var tt_op = !!(window.opera && document.getElementById),
tt_op6 = tt_op && !document.defaultView,
tt_ie = tt_n.indexOf('msie') != -1 && document.all && tt_db && !tt_op,
tt_n4 = (document.layers && typeof document.classes != "undefined"),
tt_n6 = (!tt_op && document.defaultView && typeof document.defaultView.getComputedStyle != "undefined"),
tt_w3c = !tt_ie && !tt_n6 && !tt_op && document.getElementById;

tt_n = '';

function tt_Int(t_x)
	var t_y;
	return isNaN(t_y = parseInt(t_x))? 0 : t_y;

function wzReplace(t_x, t_y)
	var t_ret = '',
	t_str = this,
	while ((t_xI = t_str.indexOf(t_x)) != -1)
		t_ret += t_str.substring(0, t_xI) + t_y;
		t_str = t_str.substring(t_xI + t_x.length);
	return t_ret+t_str;
String.prototype.wzReplace = wzReplace;

function tt_N4Tags(tagtyp, t_d, t_y)
	t_d = t_d || document;
	t_y = t_y || new Array();
	var t_x = (tagtyp=='a')? t_d.links : t_d.layers;
	for (var z = t_x.length; z--;) t_y[t_y.length] = t_x[z];
	for (var z = t_d.layers.length; z--;) t_y = tt_N4Tags(tagtyp, t_d.layers[z].document, t_y);
	return t_y;

function tt_GetSelects()
	if (!tt_op6 && !tt_ie) return;
	var t_s = tt_op6? 'input' : 'select';
	if (document.all)
		var t_i = document.all.tags(t_s).length; while (t_i--)
			tt_inputs[t_i] = document.all.tags(t_s)[t_i];
	else if (document.getElementsByTagName)
		var t_i = document.getElementsByTagName(t_s).length; while (t_i--)
			tt_inputs[t_i] = document.getElementsByTagName(t_s)[t_i];
	var t_i = tt_inputs.length; while (t_i--)
		tt_inputs[t_i].x = 0;
		tt_inputs[t_i].y = 0;
		var t_o = tt_inputs[t_i];
		while (t_o)
			tt_inputs[t_i].x += t_o.offsetLeft || 0;
			tt_inputs[t_i].y += t_o.offsetTop|| 0;
			t_o = t_o.offsetParent;

function tt_Htm(tt, t_id, txt)
	var t_bgc = (typeof tt.T_BGCOLOR != tt_u)? tt.T_BGCOLOR : ttBgColor,
	t_bgimg   = (typeof tt.T_BGIMG != tt_u)? tt.T_BGIMG : ttBgImg,
	t_bc      = (typeof tt.T_BORDERCOLOR != tt_u)? tt.T_BORDERCOLOR : ttBorderColor,
	t_bw      = (typeof tt.T_BORDERWIDTH != tt_u)? tt.T_BORDERWIDTH : ttBorderWidth,
	t_ff      = (typeof tt.T_FONTFACE != tt_u)? tt.T_FONTFACE : ttFontFace,
	t_fc      = (typeof tt.T_FONTCOLOR != tt_u)? tt.T_FONTCOLOR : ttFontColor,
	t_fsz     = (typeof tt.T_FONTSIZE != tt_u)? tt.T_FONTSIZE : ttFontSize,
	t_fwght   = (typeof tt.T_FONTWEIGHT != tt_u)? tt.T_FONTWEIGHT : ttFontWeight,
	t_padd    = (typeof tt.T_PADDING != tt_u)? tt.T_PADDING : ttPadding,
	t_shc     = (typeof tt.T_SHADOWCOLOR != tt_u)? tt.T_SHADOWCOLOR : (ttShadowColor || 0),
	t_shw     = (typeof tt.T_SHADOWWIDTH != tt_u)? tt.T_SHADOWWIDTH : (ttShadowWidth || 0),
	t_tit     = (typeof tt.T_TITLE != tt_u)? tt.T_TITLE : '',
	t_titc    = (typeof tt.T_TITLECOLOR != tt_u)? tt.T_TITLECOLOR : ttTitleColor,
	t_w       = (typeof tt.T_WIDTH != tt_u)? tt.T_WIDTH  : ttWidth;
	if (t_shc || t_shw)
		t_shc = t_shc || '#cccccc';
		t_shw = t_shw || 3;
	if (tt_n4 && (t_fsz == '10px' || t_fsz == '11px')) t_fsz = '12px';

	var t_y = '<div id="' + t_id + '" style="position:absolute;z-index:1010;';
	t_y += 'left:0px;top:0px;width:' + (t_w+t_shw) + 'px;visibility:' + (tt_n4? 'hide' : 'hidden') + ';">';
	t_y += '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"' + (t_bc? (' bgcolor="' + t_bc + '"') : '') + ' width="' + t_w + '">';
	if (t_tit)
		t_y += '<tr><td style="padding-left:3px;"><font color="' + t_titc + '" face="' + t_ff + '" ';
		t_y += 'style="color:' + t_titc + ';font-family:' + t_ff + ';font-size:' + t_fsz + ';"><b>';
		t_y += t_tit + '<\/b><\/font><\/td><\/tr>';
	t_y += '<tr><td><table border="0" cellpadding="' + t_padd + '" cellspacing="' + t_bw + '" width="100%">';
	t_y += '<tr><td' + (t_bgc? (' bgcolor="' + t_bgc + '"') : '') + (t_bgimg? ' background="' + t_bgimg + '"' : '');
	if (tt_n6) t_y += ' style="padding:' + t_padd + 'px;"';
	t_y += '><font color="' + t_fc + '" face="' + t_ff + '"';
	t_y += ' style="color:' + t_fc + ';font-family:' + t_ff + ';font-size:' + t_fsz + ';font-weight:' + t_fwght + ';">';
	if (t_fwght == 'bold') t_y += '<b>';
	t_y += txt;
	if (t_fwght == 'bold') t_y += '<\/b>';
	t_y += '<\/font><\/td><\/tr><\/table><\/td><\/tr><\/table>';
	if (t_shw)
		var t_spct = Math.round(t_shw*1.3);
		if (tt_n4)
			t_y += '<layer bgcolor="' + t_shc + '" left="' + t_w + '" top="' + t_spct + '" width="' + t_shw + '" height="0"><\/layer>';
			t_y += '<layer bgcolor="' + t_shc + '" left="' + t_spct + '" align="bottom" width="' + (t_w-t_spct) + '" height="' + t_shw + '"><\/layer>';
			var t_opa = tt_n6? '-moz-opacity:0.85;' : tt_ie? 'filter:Alpha(opacity=85);' : '';
			t_y += '<div id="' + t_id + 'R" style="position:absolute;background:' + t_shc + ';left:' + t_w + 'px;top:' + t_spct + 'px;width:' + t_shw + 'px;height:1px;overflow:hidden;' + t_opa + '"><\/div>';
			t_y += '<div style="position:relative;background:' + t_shc + ';left:' + t_spct + 'px;top:0px;width:' + (t_w-t_spct) + 'px;height:' + t_shw + 'px;overflow:hidden;' + t_opa + '"><\/div>';
	t_y += '<\/div>';
	return t_y;

function tt_Init()
	if (!(tt_op || tt_n4 || tt_n6 || tt_ie || tt_w3c)) return;

	var htm = tt_n4? '<div style="position:absolute;"><\/div>' : '',
	esc = 'return escape(';
	var i = tt_tags.length; while (i--)
		tags = tt_ie? (document.all.tags(tt_tags[i]) || 1)
			: document.getElementsByTagName? (document.getElementsByTagName(tt_tags[i]) || 1)
			: (!tt_n4 && tt_tags[i]=='a')? document.links
			: 1;
		if (tt_n4 && (tt_tags[i] == 'a' || tt_tags[i] == 'layer')) tags = tt_N4Tags(tt_tags[i]);
		var j = tags.length; while (j--)
			if (typeof (t_tj = tags[j]).onmouseover == 'function' && t_tj.onmouseover.toString().indexOf(esc) != -1 && !tt_n6 || tt_n6 && (over = t_tj.getAttribute('onmouseover')) && over.indexOf(esc) != -1)
				if (over) t_tj.onmouseover = new Function(over);
				var txt = unescape(t_tj.onmouseover());
				htm += tt_Htm(
					txt.wzReplace('& ','&')

				t_tj.onmouseover = new Function('e',
					'"tOoLtIp' +i+''+j+ '",'+
					(typeof t_tj.T_ABOVE != tt_u) + ','+
					((typeof t_tj.T_DELAY != tt_u)? t_tj.T_DELAY : ttDelay) + ','+
					((typeof t_tj.T_FIX != tt_u)? '"'+t_tj.T_FIX+'"' : '""') + ','+
					(typeof t_tj.T_LEFT != tt_u) + ','+
					((typeof t_tj.T_OFFSETX != tt_u)? t_tj.T_OFFSETX : ttOffsetX) + ','+
					((typeof t_tj.T_OFFSETY != tt_u)? t_tj.T_OFFSETY : ttOffsetY) + ','+
					(typeof t_tj.T_STATIC != tt_u) + ','+
					(typeof t_tj.T_STICKY != tt_u) +
				t_tj.onmouseout = tt_Hide;
				if (t_tj.alt) t_tj.alt = "";
				if (t_tj.title) t_tj.title = "";

function tt_EvX(t_e)
	var t_y = tt_Int(t_e.pageX || t_e.clientX || 0) +
		tt_Int(tt_ie? tt_db.scrollLeft : 0) +
	if (t_y > xlim) t_y = xlim;
	var t_scr = tt_Int(window.pageXOffset || (tt_db? tt_db.scrollLeft : 0) || 0);
	if (t_y < t_scr) t_y = t_scr;
	return t_y;

function tt_EvY(t_e)
	var t_y = tt_Int(t_e.pageY || t_e.clientY || 0) +
		tt_Int(tt_ie? tt_db.scrollTop : 0);
	if (tt_above) t_y -= (tt_objH + tt_offY - (tt_op? 31 : 15));
	else if (t_y > ylim || !tt_dwn && t_y > ylim-24)
		t_y -= (tt_objH + 5);
		tt_dwn = false;
		t_y += tt_offY;
		tt_dwn = true;
	return t_y;

function tt_ReleasMov()
	if (document.onmousemove == tt_Move)
		if (document.releaseEvents) document.releaseEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);
		document.onmousemove = null;

function tt_HideInput()
	if (!(tt_ie || tt_op6) || !tt_inputs) return;
	var t_o;
	var t_i = tt_inputs.length; while (t_i--)
		t_o = tt_inputs[t_i];
		if (tt_vis && tt_objX+tt_objW > t_o.x && tt_objX < t_o.x+t_o.offsetWidth && tt_objY+tt_objH > t_o.y && tt_objY < t_o.y+t_o.offsetHeight)
			t_o.style.visibility = 'hidden';
		else t_o.style.visibility = 'visible';

function tt_GetDiv(t_id)
	return (
		tt_n4? (document.layers[t_id] || null)
		: tt_ie? (document.all[t_id] || null)
		: (document.getElementById(t_id) || null)

function tt_GetDivW()
	return (
		tt_n4? tt_obj.clip.width
		: tt_obj.style.pixelWidth? tt_obj.style.pixelWidth
		: tt_obj.offsetWidth

function tt_GetDivH()
	return (
		tt_n4? tt_obj.clip.height
		: tt_obj.style.pixelHeight? tt_obj.style.pixelHeight
		: tt_obj.offsetHeight

// Compat with DragDrop Lib: Ensure z-index of tooltip is lifted beyond toplevel dragdrop element
function tt_SetDivZ()
	var t_i = tt_obj.style || tt_obj;
	if (window.dd && dd.z)
		t_i.zIndex = Math.max(dd.z+1, t_i.zIndex);

function tt_SetDivPos(t_x, t_y)
	var t_i = tt_obj.style || tt_obj;
	var t_px = (tt_op6 || tt_n4)? '' : 'px';
	t_i.left = (tt_objX = t_x) + t_px;
	t_i.top = (tt_objY = t_y) + t_px;

function tt_ShowDiv(t_x)
	if (tt_n4) tt_obj.visibility = t_x? 'show' : 'hide';
	else tt_obj.style.visibility = t_x? 'visible' : 'hidden';
	tt_vis = t_x;

function tt_Show(t_e, t_id, t_above, t_delay, t_fix, t_left, t_offx, t_offy, t_static, t_sticky)
	if (tt_obj) tt_Hide();
	var t_mf = document.onmousemove || null;
	if (window.dd && (window.DRAG && t_mf == DRAG || window.RESIZE && t_mf == RESIZE)) return;
	var t_uf = document.onmouseup || null;
	if (t_mf && t_uf) t_uf(t_e);

	tt_obj = tt_GetDiv(t_id);
	if (tt_obj)
		tt_dwn = !(tt_above = t_above);
		tt_static = t_static;
		tt_sticky = t_sticky || ttSticky;
		tt_objW = tt_GetDivW();
		tt_objH = tt_GetDivH();
		tt_offX = t_left? -(tt_objW+t_offx) : t_offx;
		tt_offY = t_offy;
		if (tt_op) tt_offY += 21;
		if (tt_n4)
			if (tt_obj.document.layers.length)
				var t_sh = tt_obj.document.layers[0];
				t_sh.clip.height = tt_objH - Math.round(t_sh.clip.width*1.3);
			var t_sh = tt_GetDiv(t_id+'R');
			if (t_sh)
				var t_h = tt_objH - tt_Int(t_sh.style.pixelTop || t_sh.style.top || 0);
				if (typeof t_sh.style.pixelHeight != tt_u) t_sh.style.pixelHeight = t_h;
				else t_sh.style.height = t_h + 'px';


		xlim = tt_Int((tt_db && tt_db.clientWidth)? tt_db.clientWidth : window.innerWidth) +
			tt_Int(window.pageXOffset || (tt_db? tt_db.scrollLeft : 0) || 0) -
			tt_objW -
			(tt_n4? 21 : 0);
		ylim = tt_Int(window.innerHeight || tt_db.clientHeight) +
			tt_Int(window.pageYOffset || (tt_db? tt_db.scrollTop : 0) || 0) -
			tt_objH - tt_offY;

		t_e = t_e || window.event;
		if (t_fix) tt_SetDivPos(tt_Int((t_fix = t_fix.split(','))[0]), tt_Int(t_fix[1]));
		else tt_SetDivPos(tt_EvX(t_e), tt_EvY(t_e));

		window.tt_rdl = window.setTimeout(
			'if (tt_sticky)'+
				'window.tt_upFunc = document.onmouseup || null;'+
				'if (document.captureEvents) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP);'+
				'document.onmouseup = new Function("window.setTimeout(\'tt_Hide();\', 10);");'+
			'else if (tt_static) tt_ReleasMov();'+

		if (!t_fix)
			if (document.captureEvents) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);
			document.onmousemove = tt_Move;

var tt_area = false;
function tt_Move(t_ev)
	if (!tt_obj) return;
	if (tt_n6 || tt_w3c)
		if (tt_wait) return;
		tt_wait = true;
		setTimeout('tt_wait = false;', 5);
	var t_e = t_ev || window.event;
	tt_SetDivPos(tt_EvX(t_e), tt_EvY(t_e));
	if (tt_op6)
		if (tt_area && t_e.target.tagName != 'AREA') tt_Hide();
		else if (t_e.target.tagName == 'AREA') tt_area = true;

function tt_Hide()
	if (window.tt_obj)
		if (window.tt_rdl) window.clearTimeout(tt_rdl);
		if (!tt_sticky || tt_sticky && !tt_vis)
//			tt_ShowDiv(false);
//			tt_SetDivPos(-tt_objW, -tt_objH);
//			tt_obj = null;
//			if (typeof window.tt_upFunc != tt_u) document.onmouseup = window.tt_upFunc;
		tt_sticky = false;
		if (tt_op6 && tt_area) tt_area = false;

function dismiss()
	if (window.tt_obj)
		if (window.tt_rdl) window.clearTimeout(tt_rdl);
		if (!tt_sticky || tt_sticky && !tt_vis)
			tt_SetDivPos(-tt_objW, -tt_objH);
			tt_obj = null;
			if (typeof window.tt_upFunc != tt_u) document.onmouseup = window.tt_upFunc;
		tt_sticky = false;
		if (tt_op6 && tt_area) tt_area = false;


<!-- End tooltip script -->

Well, having taken a quick look at it - I suggest you start from first principles and go from there. That way you will learn as well as have optimised code. I got an error at line 262 "parse error" (in Safari)... and that line was fine, although I reckon the preceeding lines are the cause.

Using document.write is not the way forward (in this context). You should consider using correct DOM access methods. It'll work cross-browser that way too [smile]


[tt]Jeff's Page [!]@[/!] Code Couch

Make sure your web page and css validates properly against the doctype you have chosen - before you attempt to debug a problem!

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