I am constantly running or looking for a set amount of data in Crystal reports.
Before now, I've just been running the report each time or creating multiple formulas for each list.
For example...I have 20,000 SKNs that I want looked up from a list of 50,000.
I cannot input all 20,000 or I get the error "Too many items have been given to this array"
Is this an error in the registry? I know that the LOV for Crystals is set at 1000 and I thought the two may be tied. I have CR2008 and I've updated LOV up to 30,000 but when I input my 20,000 SKNs...CR just magically shuts down!
Any help?
Before now, I've just been running the report each time or creating multiple formulas for each list.
For example...I have 20,000 SKNs that I want looked up from a list of 50,000.
I cannot input all 20,000 or I get the error "Too many items have been given to this array"
Is this an error in the registry? I know that the LOV for Crystals is set at 1000 and I thought the two may be tied. I have CR2008 and I've updated LOV up to 30,000 but when I input my 20,000 SKNs...CR just magically shuts down!
Any help?