OK. I think I'm going crazy. I have been spending all day trying to figure this out, but all the whitepapers and all the books in the world aren't helping. Here is how my db is set up:
I have a form with textboxes linked to those on a table. It is a client table. To have this table linked with another, I have an account number cloumn preset with the numbers 001-100. On my form there is a TB called Account Number which obviously populates with 001, 002, 003, etc. All I need to do is replace what is in there(and on the table record) with a persons last name and the number. So instead of 001 it will appear smith001 for exmaple. I am using OnGotFocus in the properties window on the account number textbox to concatenate so it looks like =[Last Name] & [Account Number]. When I tab to the Acct# TB it won't do what I asked it to do. What am I missing?
I have a form with textboxes linked to those on a table. It is a client table. To have this table linked with another, I have an account number cloumn preset with the numbers 001-100. On my form there is a TB called Account Number which obviously populates with 001, 002, 003, etc. All I need to do is replace what is in there(and on the table record) with a persons last name and the number. So instead of 001 it will appear smith001 for exmaple. I am using OnGotFocus in the properties window on the account number textbox to concatenate so it looks like =[Last Name] & [Account Number]. When I tab to the Acct# TB it won't do what I asked it to do. What am I missing?