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One-X mobile preffered Android VS I-Phone

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Sep 23, 2010
Now thanks to Bas and Peter I did manage to send the email with the correct credential details to the mobile devices.

But now I have the next issue.

Android is working fine, I-Phone keeps connection refused message.

Now I have changed the XMPP adress from to the FQDN (one-x-portal.customer.nl) and it seems that I-Phone is connecting fine. ( I'm not sure because the customer had to leave, so they k*cked me out the office.. :) )

But now when I want to try to connect with my android, the triangular keeps yellow, saying that the 'my buddy' is not online...

Next tuesday I have to go there agein, but like some information before I go there.

To bad I'm not able to login to the system at the moment, and I can only test using my Android. I don't own a I-Phone...

anyone has some ideas?

Tnx again...

Okkie, the iPhone cannot do TLS while the Android can and is configured this way by default.
So this means that you have configured port 5060 (if you left this default) but not port 5061
Try to disable the secure connection (TLS) on the Android phone.
You can do this by going in to the settings and then Advanced and then Advanced VOIP.
Disable this option and try again.
If that works then be sure to get it working with TLS as this will work better.


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!


The problem is that when I put the XMPP to the loopback ( the android can connect just fine.

But the the I-Phone can't connect..

I have tried your solution, but it doesn't work..

But this is the only difference so there must be something wrong.
How is the server name and the FQDN now?
Does it work internally?


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

Internally isn't used at the moment, is still in progress..

servername = app08.customer.lan

FQDN = one-x-portal.customer.nl

Something very simple when it works internally but not external.
How is your IP route on the LAN configure for SIP remote worker?
Another thing, is your test account configured for remote worker?
If not then no VOIP :)


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

Customer doesn't use voip. Only one-x mobile preffered using the trunk.

But it seems that wheter Android or I-Phone is working. Only one at a time according to the XMPP setting on the one-x portal server.

Still no luck here.

I can only connect the Andriod when I put the XMPP at but then the I phone refuses to connect.

When I put the FQDN ( appnrd08.customer.lan ) then I cannot connect. appnrd08 is the computername, customer.lan the domain

When I put the DNS name (one-x-portal.customer.nl) both the Android and I phone can connect, but not completely (yellow triangular, orange dot )

Get rid of the loopback and use the static IP, not the loopback.
As we found in beta, iphone doesnt like the loopback IP

Only option I didn't think of :(

I'm gonna try..

Just to add something that I found on one install, it was a UCM module, and it didn't like the fact the server name differed to that of the FQDN, we had gone from a Windows server to the UCM.

The Windows server was called server123 and we named the UCM server456, but we had left the FQDN as server123 (all example names)and the iPhone wouldn't connect at all, even thought all the IP's has been preserved, as soon as we changed the FQDN to match, it sprung into life! Not sure about Android, as we weren't using them on this site.

Might be worth a look if you are still stuck.

Cheers Dave.
I mean to, what dave wrote: Hostname and FQDN must match. I our company iphone and andriod working fine. Android with TLS, iphone without - sadly.
But the FQDN is different from the external reachable DNS name.

So is I put the FQDN on the SMPP field, it's not reachable from the outside...
The fqdn is what needs to be reachable from the outside.


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

The server is reachable of course, but not with the FQDN but via a DNS whisch is forwarded to the one-x portal server

Can you telnet to the fqdn's inside and outside on the ports 5060/5061/8444/5222 ?


It works! Now if only I could remember what I did...

Dain Bramaged (Avaya Search tool )
Just to confirm, say my external DNS, aka FQDN was server123.domain.com I had to enter this into the XMPP of the OneX, and put it into the server name settings through web control, but this is on UC cards, not Windows.

The same was on a site using the DL120 application servers.

When I had the UC/OneX settings set to server456.domain.com and the FQDN set to server123.domain.com, the iPhone did not work at all as the names did not match.
Okkie26 (Vendor) 17 Feb 14 14:05
The server is reachable of course, but not with the FQDN but via a DNS whisch is forwarded to the one-x portal server
Okkie, it needs to be the FQDN for sure.
And this is where you go wrong.
When you send the email it sends the DNS in the email to the app while it should be the FQDN.
This is confusing.


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

First I wait untill the split DNS is set by the customers network company..

Then I check again.

Tnx to all of you..

I' ll keep you in touch
Today checkd again.

XMPP domain name is now set on 0ne-x-portal.customer.nl This link is reachable from the outside.

All services are running. Including the IM/Presence server. All shows green.

But still the One-X mobile app triangular is yellow saying that My Buddy is not online.

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