We are using exchange 5.5 w/ sp4, an NT 4 domain and Office 2k sr1 w/ sp2. I have one user that is unable to receive mail from outside the company. I have tried deleting her profile and creating a new one, reloading outlook, so far no joy. Her internet service is listed 1st in delivery order but it is like the computer does not even see it. In Tools / mail options, check for new mail the internet account will not show up. In Tools / Send-receive, the only account that shows is the exchange server, not her internet service. For past history, it was working fine 2 weeks ago, then we consolidated 2 domains into one and it quit working on her machine. All other users (some NT4, some 2000 machines) had no problems. I can ping the all servers and domain from that machine with no problem, it does not appear to be a name resolution thing. The only thing I have not tried to a complete rebuild of that machine. Oh by the way, of course the machine belongs to one of the company directors, when it rains it pours ;-), any help would be greatly appreciated.
Jim V aka ncvandy
Jim V aka ncvandy