Data As Follows...
I need to produce a cube that shows total Ordered qty ordered against Received Qty.
Dimensions would be Time.Months Time.Week. Item Supplier, Item Season etc.
For example, we would like to know in a given month what goods were Received against Orders. So for Order 1-Line 1 we know 8 were ordered and 8 were received, but for Order 1-Line 2, the goods arrived in batches. 20 were ordered 10 arrived one day, 5 another, so we would like to show total 15 received against total 20 ordered.
Obviously basic measures will SUM the duplicate Order detail rows giving incorrect totals.
I need something like DISTINCT SUM, but am not aware it exists in MDX.
The solution will be used by Excel users, so needs to creatable in Analysis Manager as a Measure or Calculated cell.
In our Reporting package (Cognos Impromptu) I can achieve this by summing the Average of each Order/Line No combination for a known dimension.
Does a solution exist for MDX that would work for any given Rows / Columns and Page filters, or would they only work for a given Dimension, in which case I would need multiple Order Totals for Each possible dimension (Total by Month, Total by Supplier etc)
Thanks in advance for any help with this
Order|Order |Order |Item |Received |Received
# |Line # |Line Qty |Code |Date |Qty
1 |1 |8 |xxxxx |20040410 |8
1 |2 |20 |aaaaa |20040412 |10
1 |2 |20 |aaaaa |20040503 |5
2 |1 |12 |bbbbb |20040512 |6
2 |1 |12 |bbbbb |20040520 |6
Dimensions would be Time.Months Time.Week. Item Supplier, Item Season etc.
For example, we would like to know in a given month what goods were Received against Orders. So for Order 1-Line 1 we know 8 were ordered and 8 were received, but for Order 1-Line 2, the goods arrived in batches. 20 were ordered 10 arrived one day, 5 another, so we would like to show total 15 received against total 20 ordered.
Obviously basic measures will SUM the duplicate Order detail rows giving incorrect totals.
I need something like DISTINCT SUM, but am not aware it exists in MDX.
The solution will be used by Excel users, so needs to creatable in Analysis Manager as a Measure or Calculated cell.
In our Reporting package (Cognos Impromptu) I can achieve this by summing the Average of each Order/Line No combination for a known dimension.
Does a solution exist for MDX that would work for any given Rows / Columns and Page filters, or would they only work for a given Dimension, in which case I would need multiple Order Totals for Each possible dimension (Total by Month, Total by Supplier etc)
Thanks in advance for any help with this