I'm working on a partner ACS 6.0 with NO voicemail. They have an external voicemail type system (Pharmacy IVR).
The IVR is set up as ext 26, 27, 28, and 29.
The customer wants the lines 01, 02, 04, and 05 to ring on ext 1-25 4 times then to the IVR.
The want line 03 to ring on ext 1-25 and NEVER go to the IVR.
Night Service, lines 01, 02, 04, 05 go straight to the IVR.
Line 03 rings never to be picked by anything.
I put ext 1-25 in Hunt Group 1 and ext 25-29 in Hunt Group 2, however I can't get one group to cover another.
Also, how will the Hunt Groups handle line 03 not going to the IVR?
Maybe I am over thinking this. The way it's working right now is lines 01-05 ring IMM on ext 10-25 and delayed on 25-29(with the exception of line 03). However, delayed ring is not enough rings for the customer.
The IVR is set up as ext 26, 27, 28, and 29.
The customer wants the lines 01, 02, 04, and 05 to ring on ext 1-25 4 times then to the IVR.
The want line 03 to ring on ext 1-25 and NEVER go to the IVR.
Night Service, lines 01, 02, 04, 05 go straight to the IVR.
Line 03 rings never to be picked by anything.
I put ext 1-25 in Hunt Group 1 and ext 25-29 in Hunt Group 2, however I can't get one group to cover another.
Also, how will the Hunt Groups handle line 03 not going to the IVR?
Maybe I am over thinking this. The way it's working right now is lines 01-05 ring IMM on ext 10-25 and delayed on 25-29(with the exception of line 03). However, delayed ring is not enough rings for the customer.