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On hold queue setup 3

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Mar 18, 2007
VM Pro Build 18 / IPO Build 965

Looking to setup an on hold queue during the day. Currently calls comes in during the day, rings the main incoming group 5 times, then goes to the auto attendant. Caller can press 1 to be transferred to the front desk group, it rings the front desk group 5 times then goes to a voicemail box.

I would like for the system to have the call come in, ring the main incoming group 5 times. Go to the auto attendant. If the user presses 1, it will ring the front desk group and keep them in a queue until the call is answered, but every 20 seconds ask them to press 1 to leave a message in the office mailbox. After 5 minutes in queue automatically send them to office mailbox.


No problem to make this with basic skils.

You want us to make it for you? Picked the worst day of them all, I'd say.
Not gonna happen wearing a tux, but maybe tomorrow when the smoke clears:)

I'm off, Happy New Year!

Kind regards

Mille viae ducunt homines per saecula Romam

Delayed Auto-Attendant using Embedded Voicemail?
Posted: 22 Nov 10

First Create a Short Code Like:
Code: *98
Feature: Autoattendant
Telephone Number: AA:XYZ This being the Name you gave your AA
Line Group ID: 0

Next Create a Virtual User and in the "Forwarding" Tab Click "Forward Unconditional" and "Forward Hunt Group Calls" and in the "Forward Number" field enter *98

Next Create a New Hunt Group, Set the Ring Mode to Sequential, then in the "User List Box" add the Virtual User you just created.

Next, in your Main Hunt Group, the one that "rings" the phones that you want to ring 2 times, Add the hunt group you just created in the previous step to the "Overflow Group List" Box.

The "Overflow Time (secs)" field will govern how many rings will be heard before the call goes to the Auto Attendant. (about 5 seconds per ring give or take a second)

NOTE: Make sure you have built an incoming call route with a destination going to the Main Hunt Group containing the users phones you want to ring before the AA answers.

Hunt group queuing . Just enable it and record your queue message..
*91 huntgroup extn # for announcement 1

Except for the fact that OP rund VM Pro, that would have worked (kind of) :)

Kind regards

Mille viae ducunt homines per saecula Romam

Create a new group for this front desk, add required users to it.
Turn on queueing, turn on announcements. Set voicemail answer time to 300 seconds.
In announcements, put wait time before 1st announcement to 20 seconds.
Set post announcement tone to moh, if you want.
Un check 2nd announcement.
Check box for repeat last announcement.
Change wait before announcement (repeat) to 20 seconds. Save and merge.

In vmpro, go to groups, and add a "queued" start point for the new group you created.
In the queued start point, make a menu with a timeout (give it 3 seconds or so), and a touch tone of 1. Setup your greeting on it; this is the announcement for the queuing.
Point the 1 option to a leave mail for that group, or wherever.
No need to point the timeout to anything, users will stay queued.

save, make live.

ACE: Implement IP Office
I can't see the obvious ...I need to put my glasses on my face instead of the glass in my mouth..
needing glasses comes with age snowman50 I just got my first pair of bifocals prescribed (after my reading glasses for the last 5 years) now waiting to get them.

Gunnar will get there in 10 - 20 years or so too :)

Joe W.


"This is the end of the world, make sure to buy your T-shirt before it is too late"
Original expression of my daughter
Way ahead of you Westi!
Put in new pair of lenses behind the iris and multifocal toric contacts in front to compensate for the static focus [smile]

Kind regards

Mille viae ducunt homines per saecula Romam

that is high tech, I am more for the old stuff because my health plan won't pay for it.

Joe W.


"This is the end of the world, make sure to buy your T-shirt before it is too late"
Original expression of my daughter
I have it working (somewhat) Everything flows good, but its goes to the VM Pro prompt after the first 20 seconds.

Your goal is:

ICR-> HG Main-> 5 rings (15 sec?) before 1st announcement.
Then Caller may press 1 to transfer to HG Front Desk.

To make the call leave the HG Main, you need to make a Transfer-action from the Queued mod, going to the next HG.
(A goto or any other kind of jump will not work, as the call is not fully transferred into VMPro during announcements)

Now you need to make the announcement for the HG Front Desk, and set the Voicemail time to 282 sec (since it's been 15 sec in the first HG + 3 sec for thinking about the option.)

And configure the Voicemail leave-action in Queued mod for this HG.

Kind regards

Mille viae ducunt homines per saecula Romam

Ok, I'll create it on my home system and post the cfg + mods back here.

Kind regards

Mille viae ducunt homines per saecula Romam

Here you go, complete setup with cfg, wav's and mods.

Since this is in the HG Leave and Queued department, you cant just import them without killing your existing database.
I've therefore made module-copies and named them "copy to...".

The Clindsey files

The cfg contains only 2 HG's, so take a look at it and apply their settings to your live system.
(Fairly simple, 1st HG needs Voicemail active and timeout after 15 sec (5 rings), It does not go to VM, but offers a menu choice first.
2nd HG has 1st Announcement 20 sec and Voicemail 282 sec. The Announcement offers a breakout, until the VM time comes in play. Both VM leave box are pointing at the last HG)

Tested on R9.1, so it should work just fine on your R9.0

Kind regards

Mille viae ducunt homines per saecula Romam

Had to make a few adjustments, but it works great now. Thanks for all the help! I really appreciate it.
Of course, my stuff always works great [rofl2] (modesty mode off)

It's rather rare you can just dump something into a different system and have it work without any alterations.
(That would have made IPO boring, not versatile or fun to work with)

Glad I could help [smile]

Kind regards

Mille viae ducunt homines per saecula Romam

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