I have form page with a bunch of input text boxes... check it out at ..
and click on contact.
If you tab down.. you will see that the button "about" becomes highlighted after name. This movie (navbar) is loaded into a seperate level from the contact movie. I have the tab index set in the contact movie. I also put the below code on both levels after doing some reading about tab index issues, but no luck.
_level2.navigation.navigationmoves.aboutmc._focusrect = false;
I have set the tab index as follows...
name.tabIndex = 1;
organization.tabIndex = 2;
telephone.tabIndex = 3;
email.tabIndex = 4;
inquiry.tabIndex = 5;
and click on contact.
If you tab down.. you will see that the button "about" becomes highlighted after name. This movie (navbar) is loaded into a seperate level from the contact movie. I have the tab index set in the contact movie. I also put the below code on both levels after doing some reading about tab index issues, but no luck.
_level2.navigation.navigationmoves.aboutmc._focusrect = false;
I have set the tab index as follows...
name.tabIndex = 1;
organization.tabIndex = 2;
telephone.tabIndex = 3;
email.tabIndex = 4;
inquiry.tabIndex = 5;