Oracle 9.2.
Currently running Manager in Standalone mode and whenever I try to schedule or run a backup it indicates that the wizard can only be launched when connected to the OMS. This is my only Oracle install so I attempted to run the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant but received the following error.
"Template Transaction_Processing.dbc soes not exist. Please spcify an existing template for database creation."
"SQL execpion OS Authentication for database connections is not permitted please specify a username and password"
Can I schedule backups without being in OMS? Or how can I get passed the error?
Currently running Manager in Standalone mode and whenever I try to schedule or run a backup it indicates that the wizard can only be launched when connected to the OMS. This is my only Oracle install so I attempted to run the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant but received the following error.
"Template Transaction_Processing.dbc soes not exist. Please spcify an existing template for database creation."
"SQL execpion OS Authentication for database connections is not permitted please specify a username and password"
Can I schedule backups without being in OMS? Or how can I get passed the error?