This error "OLE error code 0x80080005: Server execution failed" appears only on one user. But other users don't encounter the problem. I tried to run on mine, I don't encounter the problem. It's frustrating. I checked the ODBC, it was all good. I made sure no excel ran in the background before running the excel-generating program.
I also checked if the user has access in creating files in the folder, it was also okay.
I also tried to run other programs that generate excel, it also popped up the same error. I don't know what's wrong with the user's computer.
This is where the error I believe triggered:
#Define xlEdgeBottom 9
#Define xlEdgeLeft 7
#Define xlEdgeRight 10
#Define xlEdgeTop 8
#Define xlDiagonalDown 5
#Define xlDiagonalUp 6
#Define xlNone -4142
#Define xlThin 2
#Define xlContinuous 1
#Define xlInsideHorizontal 12
#Define xlInsideVertical 11
#Define xlCenter -4108
#Define xlBottom -4107
#Define xlContext -5002
#Define xlRight -4152
#Define xlUnderlineStyleNone -4142
#Define xlLandscape 2
#Define xlAutomatic -4105
#Define xlSolid 1
#Define xlThemeColorDark1 1
oXLS = Createobject("Excel.Application")
With oXLS
oWB = .WorkBooks.Add
*** some codes
Kindly help.
- webrider -