You have to go into your PC and choose the java you want to run plus you can tell it not to update the java.
But the 3.7 will work on the latest java it was in the patches , put in the last one it should be on it. I have a new windows 2007 PC with the latest jave and it works on 3.7 and 3.6.
I am the new vendor for this customer they were using an out of town service provider and they logged in remotly but over 10 years never made any upgrades or added patched to the BCM. Plus they gave them lousy service and charged them a hugh monthly service fee per contract.
They realized that they were being ripped off and they were refered to me.
I wanted to try to log on remotly myself and use an old PC I have with an old version of JAVA but these IT goofs told me that there is no way I can log onto the Nortel BCM unless I know the port number to the BCM. I really don;t know what theya re talking about.
I have been loggin on at their office via one of theur networked computers. I can;t imagine that it is that difficult to gain remote access ot the BCM.
These guyswere hounding the customer to get rid of the BCM and let them sell and install a CISCO. I think they are angry that I am trying to save them money and retrofitting the BCM for them. They are a small firm they do not need a new CISCO
I will try again. Just to make sure I am in the correct Config Menu am I suppose to be in the Preinstalled page in order for me to be able to changes SETS and LINES? There is a little link that says that in the Main Menu next to CONFIGURATION? I can get into that menu item and all the other ones like CALL PILOT etc, but not that for the Unified Manager.
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