I'm attempting a 'Proof of Concept' using Crystal Reports against an SQL Analysis Services Cube. I'm attempting to persuade my current employers to use Crystal within their BO environment and therefore i have only an evaluation copy of Crystal XI.
I've been trying to connect to a variety of cubes all morning, but without any success. I've tried to connect to Analysis Services and the local Sales Reports.cub file.
After selecting Add in the OLAP Connection Browser I enter the correct details, using the appropriate Microsoft OLE DB Providers... for either Analysis Services 9.0 or OLAP Services 8.0. The Test Connection button confirms the connection is ok... but the OK button is highligthed out therefore preventing me from creating the Datasource.
Is this due to the Evaluation version?
Many thanks
I'm attempting a 'Proof of Concept' using Crystal Reports against an SQL Analysis Services Cube. I'm attempting to persuade my current employers to use Crystal within their BO environment and therefore i have only an evaluation copy of Crystal XI.
I've been trying to connect to a variety of cubes all morning, but without any success. I've tried to connect to Analysis Services and the local Sales Reports.cub file.
After selecting Add in the OLAP Connection Browser I enter the correct details, using the appropriate Microsoft OLE DB Providers... for either Analysis Services 9.0 or OLAP Services 8.0. The Test Connection button confirms the connection is ok... but the OK button is highligthed out therefore preventing me from creating the Datasource.
Is this due to the Evaluation version?
Many thanks