Ok, I have Tomcat that was working properly but now, mysteriously, isn't...
Have JSPs that call values in a Constants.java (or .class) file... That file loads those values from an XML file, which is NOT in the same path as the JSPs... I had set up the <init-param><param-name>base.dir</param-name></init-param> set to the directory where the XML file lives... Now, without the value in web.xml, it can't load the values from the config.XML file, but with it, Tomcat tries to look for the JSPs in that path too (at least, I think that's what it's doing -- gives me a message that it can't locate the file, using a relative path).
Not sure if I've provided enough inforamation here. Let me know if there's more information that would be helpful.
Thanks in advance
Have JSPs that call values in a Constants.java (or .class) file... That file loads those values from an XML file, which is NOT in the same path as the JSPs... I had set up the <init-param><param-name>base.dir</param-name></init-param> set to the directory where the XML file lives... Now, without the value in web.xml, it can't load the values from the config.XML file, but with it, Tomcat tries to look for the JSPs in that path too (at least, I think that's what it's doing -- gives me a message that it can't locate the file, using a relative path).
Not sure if I've provided enough inforamation here. Let me know if there's more information that would be helpful.
Thanks in advance