I have a db in Access 2002, Windows 2000. Works fine, but sometimes various users calls and get an error on startup. I just went to such a user's machine, and in trying to run a query which calls Environ("Username") (i put 'environ' in vba code so that's not the issue) which runs on startup, i get the following message :
Your Microsoft Access Database or project contains a missing or broken reference to the file OWC10.DLL version 1.1
In the references pane I see
MISSING : Microsoft Office XP Web Components
Is this because there's a user out there with Office XP who has opened the db and that reference gets set automatically with Office XP? As far as I know, my user community won't be getting Office XP for two more months, but it is conceivable that someone out there may have it (this is a single company, but tons of users and I don't always know who has what).
What are my options? One version for Office XP (the only machine i have is a test machine in another part of the building) or only allow users who have Office 2002 to use it? Funny thing is that the shortcut first maps to the access.exe file in the Office 2002 location ("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSACCESS.EXE" "path to mdb file") so i dont even know how someone with Office XP would be able to open it.
Anyone know what's going on? How does that reference get in there? How can I prevent it? Also on launch of my db I run some script that I copied from here a long time ago which is supposed to go thru and check the references:
is there anything I can add to this to keep that XP reference out of my db?
Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at FAQ219-2884 or FAQ222-2244
Your Microsoft Access Database or project contains a missing or broken reference to the file OWC10.DLL version 1.1
In the references pane I see
MISSING : Microsoft Office XP Web Components
Is this because there's a user out there with Office XP who has opened the db and that reference gets set automatically with Office XP? As far as I know, my user community won't be getting Office XP for two more months, but it is conceivable that someone out there may have it (this is a single company, but tons of users and I don't always know who has what).
What are my options? One version for Office XP (the only machine i have is a test machine in another part of the building) or only allow users who have Office 2002 to use it? Funny thing is that the shortcut first maps to the access.exe file in the Office 2002 location ("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSACCESS.EXE" "path to mdb file") so i dont even know how someone with Office XP would be able to open it.
Anyone know what's going on? How does that reference get in there? How can I prevent it? Also on launch of my db I run some script that I copied from here a long time ago which is supposed to go thru and check the references:
Function FixUpRefs()
Dim r As Reference, r1 As Reference
Dim s As String
' Look for the first reference in the database other
' than Access and Visual Basic for Applications.
For Each r In Application.References
If r.Name <> "Access" And r.Name <> "VBA" Then
Set r1 = r
Exit For
End If
s = r1.FullPath
' Remove the Reference and add it back.
References.Remove r1
References.AddFromFile s
' Call a hidden SysCmd to automatically compile/save all modules.
Call SysCmd(504, 16483)
End Function
is there anything I can add to this to keep that XP reference out of my db?
Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at FAQ219-2884 or FAQ222-2244