I am putting out a "BIG" Power Point Document that gets both Word and Excel Documents pasted in. And the Word documents are 95% of the time really an export from Access (rtf file). The Excel file is pasted in as a picture.
Since this file is printed in color, how can I load and create a Palette (.pal) that will be applicable to all of these Office documents?
And yes B-( , I know that it is not the most efficient way to do things using Power Point, but until I can persuade the troops to purchase Acrobat, I have to go that way.
Deb Koplen
A person can stand almost anything except a succession of ordinary days.
Since this file is printed in color, how can I load and create a Palette (.pal) that will be applicable to all of these Office documents?
And yes B-( , I know that it is not the most efficient way to do things using Power Point, but until I can persuade the troops to purchase Acrobat, I have to go that way.
A person can stand almost anything except a succession of ordinary days.