I built a non-local UDP range 510-510, digits 3 (my users are 3 digits also), pattern2. UDP Routing, pattern 2 route 1, pool 70, FRL 3, absorb 3, digits (local cell number).
I can dial x510 from any phone and get my cell phone. I can setup selector code 5, direct extension transfer, dial 510 from AA on Messaging R2.5 and get my cell phone. When I set my selector code to "selector code" and make the extension 510, it rings the operator as "return with the VM member extension number". I can input a local extension for the selector code and the call goes to that extension.
I have tried setting 510 in the Messaging as a transfer only or as a MB with an extension. I have all members of my VM hunt group set as unrestricted, FRL 3, Trunk to Trunk Transfer and for giggles Remote Call Forward.
Stumped, any ideas?
I can dial x510 from any phone and get my cell phone. I can setup selector code 5, direct extension transfer, dial 510 from AA on Messaging R2.5 and get my cell phone. When I set my selector code to "selector code" and make the extension 510, it rings the operator as "return with the VM member extension number". I can input a local extension for the selector code and the call goes to that extension.
I have tried setting 510 in the Messaging as a transfer only or as a MB with an extension. I have all members of my VM hunt group set as unrestricted, FRL 3, Trunk to Trunk Transfer and for giggles Remote Call Forward.
Stumped, any ideas?