Macola/Progression 7.6
We have an order from 6 months ago that is weird. It apparently was invoiced, but the billing was not done right on it. The invoice was printed in June, but we just redid the billing on it today. Apparently the billing was not done right originally, it was still showing as an open order.
It no longer shows up as needing billing, or an open order, which is good, but the part number allocation qty is still showing 1. It has not moved to debit the OnHand qty still. The order does not show up in pre-post listing, so it has been invoiced, but yet the Inven qty is not updated.
This is an order processed 6 months ago, but the alloc qty is still hung in Inven. Moreover, Inven Item/Loc status shows "1 active order" on it with the alloc qty 1, but when we run Open Orders in OE the report is now empty. What's the best way to deal with this?
Thanks, Chris.
We have an order from 6 months ago that is weird. It apparently was invoiced, but the billing was not done right on it. The invoice was printed in June, but we just redid the billing on it today. Apparently the billing was not done right originally, it was still showing as an open order.
It no longer shows up as needing billing, or an open order, which is good, but the part number allocation qty is still showing 1. It has not moved to debit the OnHand qty still. The order does not show up in pre-post listing, so it has been invoiced, but yet the Inven qty is not updated.
This is an order processed 6 months ago, but the alloc qty is still hung in Inven. Moreover, Inven Item/Loc status shows "1 active order" on it with the alloc qty 1, but when we run Open Orders in OE the report is now empty. What's the best way to deal with this?
Thanks, Chris.