All of a sudden my scripts started having this problem.
I used logfile.writeline to output to an opened for writing csv file. It was working fine. No changes to script. Then...
well, I start getting this:
The computer names are the only thing showing up right - and that is stored in a variable.
Should be displaying like:
A code snippet:
I don't think its a code issue, because it worked for a long time as it is. Thinking maybe a windows update added a "feature" that caused this. Have no idea how to fix it though.
I used logfile.writeline to output to an opened for writing csv file. It was working fine. No changes to script. Then...
well, I start getting this:
???????????????????? Computername2
The computer names are the only thing showing up right - and that is stored in a variable.
Should be displaying like:
Computer not responding to ping
(Date & Time) Starting copy to Computername2
(Date & Time) ,Copy complete to Computername2
A code snippet:
If strTuner <> "True" Then
LogFile.Write strPCName & vbCrLf
wscript.echo now & " - starting copy to " & strPCName
LogFile.Write "," & now & ",starting copy to " & strPCName & vbCrLf
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
intRC =, 1, true)
wscript.echo now & " - copy complete " & intRC & " " & intRC.description
LogFile.Write "," & now & ",copy complete to," & strPCName & vbCrLf
I don't think its a code issue, because it worked for a long time as it is. Thinking maybe a windows update added a "feature" that caused this. Have no idea how to fix it though.