Technical User
Network topology:
Satellite modem <-> Router <-> switch <-> 2 macs
Router is wifi -))))) ipad + 2 iphones.
Additional mac wired to router.
Satellite link is by way of the new Viasat. Our ISP is Xplornet.
Starting about a week ago, we get periodic sessions of ping times running into the mid teens -- e.g. 13000 ms. Curiously packet loss is zero. E.g. ping -w 20000 -c 1000 would return stats of 12,000 with a standard deviation of about 3000. And all thousand packets would (eventually) return.
Needless to say internet browsing goes to hell.
Sessions of slow would last 10-30 minutes. Then it would be fine for a while.
Within my own network, everything is sub millesecond.
If I connect a laptop directly to the modem, I get the normal 600 ms times that are typical for satellite links.
The address used is my ISP's DNS server. Traceroute says 4 hops.
What else do I try?