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Odd DSL installation problem 3

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Technical User
Mar 20, 2001
Hi, I've been called in to troubleshoot a bad "self-install". The customer (an "older" person) had Verizon DSL installed by his children as a present. The "kids" left town and "it never worked!"...so situation is:
6 month old Dell PC, new house with one phone line, "every" phone (4 or 5) has a filter attached [including a security system], Westell 2200 DSL modem connected to PC via ethernet. The "DSL" led on the modem flashes and there is no internet connection UNLESS a phone call is being made. Incoming or outgoing, while the call is in progress, the modem syncs-up and the computer connects to the internet. When the (voice) call is done, so is the internet connectivity. The customer is extremely concerned about incurring extra costs from Verizon, if they request a service call and the problem is in their own hardware or wiring. When I go out to the house, I plan to disconnect all devices except the modem and start from there. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm guessing somehow that there's a low signal level that's changed if a call is in progress (just going "off-hook" doesn't change this, there has to be a connection), but I don't know how to find it. I suppose the modem could be bad, but when the connection works, everything seems normal. Thanks to all for any help,

Depending on how the alarm was wired up, it can cause problems. If I remember correctly, the modem has to be connected BEFORE the alarm. Like you said, I would first connect the modem directly to the dmarc and disconnecting all the inside telephones. It's pratical if you have a laptop and can walk around with your laptop and the modem or a REALLY LONG patch cord.
Yeah, if you have a laptop, test it from the box on the outside of the house. This would eliminate whether or not the issue is poor wiring from within the house, or a configuration problem on Verizon's end.

If that's not an option, seems like your game plan is OK so far. There's not much else you can do, except call up the ISP and have them test their connection to the Westell modem. They should be able to run a series of diagnostics.

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An alarm system must have a specially made DSL filter. If they used one sent to them by the phone company it won't work. Have them call a reputable(sp? I'm a tech I can't spell) alarm installation company to install the proper one.
Actually, in the case of a monitored alarm system, it's not the filter that causes the problem but the way the alarm system interfaces with the phone line. The alarm company will often insert a jack between the dmarc and the phones. This jack first routes the line from the demarc into the alarm system, then the alarm system returns the dial-tone back to the jack where the rest of the phones are connected. This way, if a robber goes into the home and unhooks the phone, the alarm system is still able to dial out because it resets (places the phone back onhook) by digitally disconnecting the phones from the line. Then the alarm system will dial out on the clear line. However, the digital circuit in the alarm system will sometimes block the DSL signal. In order to avoid this and keep the proper protection, you must have a different jack installed that allows the DSL to be branched off before it enters the alarm system. You still need to install the same supplied filters on all your phones (or better yet, on the returning dialtone from the alarm system) except for the modem line itself. I unfortunately don't have the name of the special jack but you can check on the cabling forum for more details.
I would ask the phone company for a dsl filter (bridge) to be installed in the network interface box (NID) this will eliminate the need for any filters in the house or at the alarm system. Before we had any dsl filters that fit in the NID I used to add another pots bridge and plug a house filter in and wire the phones to that. and leave my dsl modem on the old bridge.
Try connecting the modem to the D-Marc directly B/4 the alarm. If your modem doesn't come into Sync (Stops flashing) then the problem is either the modem or the ISP.
Also every wired phone in the house must have a DSL filtered attached , make sure this is done also .
Potstech" is on the right track: I always split the DSL line at the source instead of filtering it at each station, particularly with an alarm in the mix. If the telco won't do it, I'll place a Keptel filter in the NID, or wherever, to separate the DSL right out of the box. That way, the PC is the only device to have any chance of seeing the DSL signal. And, with an alarm, you can use the RJ31x in the normal way since dialtone is all that will get there.

I buy a great little indoor splitter at--

These are jack-sized Keptel units that do the job nicely. IF the trouble persists after that, it's the telco's job to resolve it.
Thanks to all for the observations and suggestions. The problem was in the way the everything was connected, even tho the homeowner told me that they had called the telco before [and got no satisfaction] a service call was placed when I called in my observations. Verizon was happy to install a bridge filter at the NID, coordinated with the alarm service, and then we were able to 1) remove all of the individual phone set filters and 2) have the DSL modem sync up and work as advertised. just some more persistence was needed, that's all. Sometimes I wonder about these types of 'technical' services being sold to completely 'non-tech' users. Too many of them believe the advertising that says that everything is just plug-and-play!!

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