I ran across a rather odd behaviour I thought I would let the rest of you know about.
I had a dataAdapter - lets call it DA - Useing the Visual tools I dragged it onto my web service page, set it up using a stored proc. The problem came from the way VS set up the DA with it's table mappings.
My SProc has 3 select statments only two however are returned depending on an IF statment. So even though there are 3 statments only 2 are executed returning 2 recordsets.
VS however, interpreted the SPROC to returning 3 recordsets and set up a Table mapping for each of them. I didn't think nothing of it at the time. However, when the recordsets are actually returned they follow the table mappings in order. So when the 2nd recordset - 3rd Select in the SPROC - was bound into the dataset, VS intrepreted that to be the 2nd select in the SPROC.
Fortunately in my case the first two selects returned identical schema's so I merely manually cut out the designer added code for the second select and called the 3rd table mapping as the second one.
I am not sure of a true solution to this workaround but it does work.
If for some unnatural reason I have lost anyone - like my rambling sentences - Please feel free to post and ask me questions I will try to clear up any ambiguous parts.
Have fun That'l do donkey, that'l do
I had a dataAdapter - lets call it DA - Useing the Visual tools I dragged it onto my web service page, set it up using a stored proc. The problem came from the way VS set up the DA with it's table mappings.
My SProc has 3 select statments only two however are returned depending on an IF statment. So even though there are 3 statments only 2 are executed returning 2 recordsets.
VS however, interpreted the SPROC to returning 3 recordsets and set up a Table mapping for each of them. I didn't think nothing of it at the time. However, when the recordsets are actually returned they follow the table mappings in order. So when the 2nd recordset - 3rd Select in the SPROC - was bound into the dataset, VS intrepreted that to be the 2nd select in the SPROC.
Fortunately in my case the first two selects returned identical schema's so I merely manually cut out the designer added code for the second select and called the 3rd table mapping as the second one.
I am not sure of a true solution to this workaround but it does work.
If for some unnatural reason I have lost anyone - like my rambling sentences - Please feel free to post and ask me questions I will try to clear up any ambiguous parts.
Have fun That'l do donkey, that'l do