When I run a program (or test it in the IDE) in a Win7 64 bit computer (3 ghz I7), changing the text in a label or a rich text box causes the whole text line to annoyingly blink. When I run the same exe run in a Windows XP or an old slow Winm98 computer, changes to the text are instant with no gap.
To test this I added a 1 second timer and showed the time changing each second. About every 7 seconds I get no blink but all other second the whole label text blinks as it changes. The text appears to momentarily disappear before the new text is shown. In previous OSs the new text simply replaces the old text with no gap.
If i use a 2 line high rich text box and show the date on the top line and the time on the bottom line in one statement only the time line blinks as each second ticks by, the date line is steady. [Date() & vbcr & Time()]
Could this be something to do with the video card even though it is a fast one that shows HD video editing very well( Maybe the card and computer are too fast?
I have used 32 bit WIN7 in other computers before without this problem.
Compatibility mode makes no difference.
Colors of text and background make no difference.
Making the an identical test prog on an XP computer still blinks on the Win7 64 bit but not on the XP computer.
To test this I added a 1 second timer and showed the time changing each second. About every 7 seconds I get no blink but all other second the whole label text blinks as it changes. The text appears to momentarily disappear before the new text is shown. In previous OSs the new text simply replaces the old text with no gap.
If i use a 2 line high rich text box and show the date on the top line and the time on the bottom line in one statement only the time line blinks as each second ticks by, the date line is steady. [Date() & vbcr & Time()]
Could this be something to do with the video card even though it is a fast one that shows HD video editing very well( Maybe the card and computer are too fast?
I have used 32 bit WIN7 in other computers before without this problem.
Compatibility mode makes no difference.
Colors of text and background make no difference.
Making the an identical test prog on an XP computer still blinks on the Win7 64 bit but not on the XP computer.