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Technical User
Feb 7, 2002
Does anyone have experience with ODBC link to ACCESS table from Paradox? I have linked to an ACCESS table however as the form opens a dialog box comes up asking for Database Name, User Name and Password. If I just click OK the table comes up fine but I would prefer to not have this dialog box come up. I cannot find information on any configuration with regard to this.
I am using Paradox 10, Windows 2000.
Thanks in advance.
UMMM. This is my only area of knowledge with paradox and i only stay here because i feel sorry for you all having to use it.

some questions

Do you have the net directory set correct ?

are you using ip adresses or netbios names or network drives for you addresses within the BDE config or are you not networked ? what is the path you are using for net dir ?

What BDE release are you using ?

and also do you like paradox and why or why not ?

Answers To Technical Questions:
The net Directory is fine, all Paradox tables share information ok with no conflicts. Is there a net directory file for Access ODBC? Regardless I can access the ODBC Table but find the Dialog box asking for Password etc. is anoying for users.( I jusk click ok, once per session and it does not come up again for that table for at least a day )I have not set up any passwords for any tables.
I have set up a Global user directory on a Novell Server with a login script mapping L drive on all user PC's ( W2000 )to this directory.I have various sub directories such as Global Forms etc. but all Tables ( Paradox & Access are in L:\Global Data )The BDE Net Directory is in L:\Global Data

The BDE is Version (Thursday, September 19, 1996, 3:50:00)
I have always liked Paradox ( since Paradox 4.0 ) & have found it much easier to use & much more flexable than Access. I also have a preference for Wordperfect and Quattro Pro over Word & Excel.
Note: Paradox, Wordperfect & Quattro Pro have backwards capability & I still use files created with older versions years ago. My Microsoft stuff refuses to open older version files and at best offers to upgrade to new formats ( if it can determine the old version )

Thanks for your interest in my problems.
can you use the new BDE, they now up to release 5.1.1. (which works ok with most of the microsoft suite) & which ODBC driver are you using ?

have you set BDE settings like autoODBC ?

also Access does not have a net directory. This means you can share many DBs over a network from multiple servers locations. I too liked quattro pro and loved novell wordperfect but that was a long time ago. Paradox in its earlier versions was beter, but then their was no competition like MSSQL back then for us small timers
Microsoft Access Driver 4.00.4403.02 ( ODBCJT32.DLL 12/07/99 )
AutoODBC: When a Database is configured in ODBC Administrator It shows up as a data source in the alias list. The BDE searches for ODBC Sources on startup from ODBC Config files.( I don't know if you are refering to another AutoODBC function )
I have been using the USER DSN tab and not the System DSN tab in ODBC ADministrator, I'll try this Next
Thanks for trying
as you know the data flow is

paradox db & bde >>> Intersolv paradox driver (not microsoft) >>> odbc >>>> access db

so access driver is irrelivant because it can do the ODBC calls from its own engine. It need the intersolv driver to get it from ODBC layer to paradox/BDE

(also autoodbc is a setting on the bde.)
You feel 'sorry for us having to use Paradox'? I am professionally a Paradox, Delphi, Access and SQL Server programmer. Delphi + C++Builder + Paradox are much easier to use, than Access. The difference is extreme!
Ever try to scale an Access application, easily?
Go into Access and produce a multipage TABBED form easily- only a 5 second task in the Borland IDE. Try to produce an Access application which emails each customer's individual billing, every week.
Viva Paradox.
no i agree evryone says just how good the borland stuff is, but its integration into microsoft office is very problematical for the rank and file user.

We do have trouble using nortons anti virus and delphi/paradox, it runs slowly on our network (a 100mhz network with switches) while MS and other thrid party applications run fine. we find paradox loses structural integrity with more than 5-8 users. We have had loads of problems i can only tell you of our dilema and that i would not recomend any one to develope a paradox delphi database apllication. C++ or delphi on another DB yes, but the paradox has caused are company nothing but costs and wasted time.
Hey bigandfat,

Not sure if your ODBC Connection problem is still current, looking at the dates, but I recently had the same one.

I am connecting to a OpenLink Generic 32 Bit Driver server instead of ACCESS but the principles should be the same.

Solution below.

AliasInfo DynArray[] String


AliasInfo["SERVER NAME"] = ""
AliasInfo["USER NAME"] = ""
AliasInfo["OPEN MODE"] = "READ ONLY"
AliasInfo["PASSWORD"] = ""

addAlias("SERVER_CONNECT", "OpenLink Generic 32 Bit Driver", AliasInfo)

setAliasPassword ("SERVER_CONNECT", " ")

I used a space for the Alias password, as shown on the last line. I don't remember why but if you put a blank string ("") the login information popup dialog comes up.

The code shown is very raw and could most likely be tidied up a bit, i.e. the 'AliasInfo["PASSWORD"] = ""' line is probably not needed.


SercoSteve: I put this code on a pushbutton:
method pushButton(var eventInfo Event)

AliasInfo["SERVER NAME"]=""
AliasInfo["USER NAME"]=""
addAlias("PM6ReelReports","Microsoft Access Driver",AliasInfo)
setAliasPassword("PM6ReelReports"," ")
FormVar.Open(":GlobalForms:Carl's Page.fsl")

But "Driver not Known" Dialog box comes up. Can you see anything wrong with the syntax?
The Access driver is from Microsoft MDAC 2.7

Thanks in advance
Hey bigandfat,

Try substituting the line

addAlias("PM6ReelReports","Microsoft Access Driver",AliasInfo)



Hey bigandfat,

Second thought... forget my previous post, probably throwing you a curve on that one.

Try appending the line

addAlias("PM6ReelReports","Microsoft Access Driver",AliasInfo)

to read

addAlias("PM6ReelReports","Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)",AliasInfo)

I've only used ODBC once myself, so forgive me if I'm passing you duff gen.

One Step Forward?
The Driver sytax worked but now I'm Stuck with "Invalid Configuration Parameter Alias :pM6ReelReports"
with this code:
method pushButton(var eventInfo Event)

AliasInfo["SERVER NAME"]="L:\\GlobalData\\PM6ReelReports.mdb"
AliasInfo["USER NAME"]=""
addAlias("PM6ReelReports","Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)",AliasInfo)
setAliasPassword("PM6ReelReports"," ")
FormVar.Open(":GlobalForms:Carl's Page.fsl")

I changed the Server Name to the FUll path as it seems to be in the ODBC Setup dialog box ( didn't work with "" either )
If you see somthing I might try let me know
Thanks for your help Steve
Hey bigandfat

I am a little confused. Are you connecting successfully now? Is the 'INVALID CONFIGURATION PARAMETER' report at the end when you are tidying up?

A good tip for finding the server name, or any other connection parameter. Break your code just after the AddAlias call, go into the Alias Manager and check your setup for 'PM6ReelReports'. You can make modifications to the configuration manually and then attempt to connect to the DBase using the buttons provided. You can do the whole thing manually without running your code if your error is at the addAlias call.

I think you get an 'INVALID CONFIGURATION PARAMETER' error if your server name doesn't match that defined for MSACCESS ODBC DSN in the BDE Administrator, accessed from the Control Panel. Thats probably just one of loads of 'INVALID CONFIGURATION PARAMETER' Errors though.

I never connected with the addAlias code, I just got a new error dialog box.
I removed the form call and the code executed without error.
When I checked the odbc configuration all seemed OK. When I checked the BDE configuration( where the login/ password dialog box came up when I clicked on the PM6ReelReport Alias ), I got a DataBase Engine Error Dialog Box: BDE Error 12550 ($31) ( $6) Invalid Configuration Error .... Alis PM6ReelReports.
I did notice that between PM5ReelReports( ODBC Manual Link) & PM6ReelReports in BDE That the ODBC DSN is Blank now on PM6ReelReports and The User Name DNR was indicated although updating these 2 fields did not get the ODBC link working. There was also an extra line in the definition of PM6ReelReports now: Blob size, which is not on PM5ReelReports. I will continue to plod along.
Thanks again for all your help Steve.
to avoid the password prompt, just do the following steps:
1) declare a variable at the form level:
db database
2) at the page open action, set the alias password.
setAliasPassword("Aliasname", "password")

Note: as long as db is define/instantiated, odbc connection is open. You can then open any table in any form without getting the password prompt.
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