My colleage have a large number of excel 97 workbooks which contain ODBC links to C-ISAM database.
The host server of the database had to be moved from one subnet to a new one. In the odbc configuration accessable from the control panel we altered the configuration to point to the new ip address.
Unfortunately in existing spread sheets excel still tries to pick up the old server.
A good friend has suggested running a VBA script to update the workbooks to the correct server, but we are having trouble with the code. Some of the ODBC links are directly into pivot tables and we seem unable to adjust them. We are using the code below to display the connection details but need help with the code to update the connection.
sub testodbc()
For each pc in thisworkbook.pivotcaches
Msgbox pc.connection
end sub
The host server of the database had to be moved from one subnet to a new one. In the odbc configuration accessable from the control panel we altered the configuration to point to the new ip address.
Unfortunately in existing spread sheets excel still tries to pick up the old server.
A good friend has suggested running a VBA script to update the workbooks to the correct server, but we are having trouble with the code. Some of the ODBC links are directly into pivot tables and we seem unable to adjust them. We are using the code below to display the connection details but need help with the code to update the connection.
sub testodbc()
For each pc in thisworkbook.pivotcaches
Msgbox pc.connection
end sub