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ODBC Error!!

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Nov 9, 2000
Hi there!

When i am updating or inserting a table, i am getting this error always.

ODBC Error Code = 22001 (String data right truncation)

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.

The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (CFQUERY), occupying document position (101:3) to (101:58).

Can anybody tell me plse why its coming?

Hi eagle1wi

Thanx for your reply! Here is my code.Its is a big one. Please have a patience to look at this. I think the problem is in the Loop.

<CFIF Group IS &quot;Staff&quot;>
<CFSET RTable = &quot;StaffRegTable&quot;>
<CFSET Code = &quot;Spec_Code&quot;>
<CFSET RTable = &quot;RegTable&quot;>
<CFSET Code = &quot;Spec_code&quot;>
<CFIF Departure IS &quot;Y&quot;>
<CFSET Time_in_first_half=#Cookie.First#>
<CFSET Time_out_second_half=#Cookie.Second#>

<TITLE><CFOUTPUT>#Group#</CFOUTPUT> Attendence Submitted</TITLE>

<CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE=&quot;shortheaders-light.cfm&quot;>


<div align=&quot;center&quot;><img src=&quot;resources/dcflag.gif&quot; alt=&quot;&quot; border=&quot;0&quot;></div>

<CFIF Group IS NOT &quot;Staff&quot;>
<CFSET Time = &quot;Time_in_first_half&quot;>
<CFSET Time = &quot;Hours&quot;>

<CFSET AttendanceArray=ArrayNew(2)>
<CFSET ListsArray=ArrayNew(1)>
<CFSET ListsArray[1]=&quot;Spec_Code&quot;>
<CFSet ListsArray[2]=&quot;Time_in_first_half&quot;>
<CFSET ListsLength=ArrayLen(ListsArray)>
<CFIF Departure IS &quot;N&quot;>
<CFSET List=&quot;Spec_code, #Time#&quot;>
<CFSET List=&quot;Spec_code, Time_in_first_half, Time_out_second_half&quot;>

<CFSET incount=1>
<CFLOOP INDEX=&quot;innercounter&quot; LIST=&quot;#List#&quot;>
<CFSET loopcount=1>
<CFLOOP INDEX=&quot;outercounter&quot; LIST=&quot;#Evaluate(&quot;#innercounter#&quot;)#&quot;>
<CFSET AttendanceArray[#incount#][#loopcount#] = &quot;#outercounter#&quot;>
<CFIF innercounter IS &quot;Spec_code&quot;>
<CFSET PresentVar = &quot;Present#Evaluate(&quot;#outercounter#&quot;)#&quot;>
<CFSET PresVar = &quot;Present#Evaluate(&quot;#outercounter#&quot;)#&quot;>
<CFIF NOT Evaluate(&quot;ParameterExists(#PresVar#)&quot;)>
<CFSET AttendanceArray[#incount#+2][#loopcount#] = &quot;N&quot;>
<CFSET AttendanceArray[#incount#+2][#loopcount#] = Evaluate(&quot;Present#outercounter#&quot;)>
<CFSET loopcount = #loopcount#+1>
<CFSET incount = #incount#+1>

<CFSET temp=ArrayLen(AttendanceArray)>

<CFSET temp2=ArrayLen(AttendanceArray[temp])>

<CFSET insertCount = 0>
<CFSET Time_out=&quot;12:00 AM&quot;>
<CFSET Time_in_2nd=&quot;12:00 AM&quot;>
<CFSET Time_out_2nd=&quot;12:00 AM&quot;>
<CFSET String_Date=#DateFormat(Now(), &quot;mm/dd/yy&quot;)#>
<TABLE width=&quot;70%&quot; ALIGN=&quot;CENTER&quot;>

<CFSET loopcount=1>
<CFLOOP FROM=&quot;1&quot; TO=&quot;#ArrayLen(AttendanceArray[temp])#&quot; INDEX=&quot;OuterCounter&quot;>
<CFLOOP INDEX=&quot;InnerCounter&quot; FROM=&quot;1&quot; TO=&quot;#temp#&quot;>
<CFIF AttendanceArray[3][outercounter] IS &quot;Y&quot;>

<CFQUERY NAME=&quot;Attendcheck&quot; DATASOURCE=&quot;DC_Schools&quot;>
FROM dbo.Daily_Rec, dbo.#RTable#
WHERE dbo.Daily_Rec.String_Date = '#DateFormat(Now(),&quot;mm/dd/yy&quot;)#' AND dbo.Daily_Rec.Spec_code = dbo.#RTable#.#Code#

<CFLOOP QUERY=&quot;Attendcheck&quot;>
<CFIF AttendanceArray[1][outercounter] IS #Attendcheck.Spec_code#>
<TR><TD ALIGN=&quot;CENTER&quot;><BR>Attendance for #Attendcheck.First_Name# #Attendcheck.Last_Name# has already been recorded. Please click the Back or Previous button on your browser and try again.</TD></TR>

<CFQUERY NAME=&quot;DailyAttendance&quot; DATASOURCE=&quot;DC_Schools&quot;>
INSERT INTO dbo.Daily_Rec (<CFIF Group IS NOT &quot;Staff&quot;>Time_in_first_half<CFELSE>Hours, Time_in_first_half</CFIF>, Spec_code, Time_Out_First_half, Time_out_second_half, Time_in_second_half, String_Date)
VALUES ('#AttendanceArray[2][outercounter]#', <CFIF Group IS &quot;Staff&quot;>'12:00 AM', </CFIF>'#AttendanceArray[1][outercounter]#', '#Time_out#', '#Time_out_2nd#', '#Time_in_2nd#', '#String_Date#')

<!--- Catch the Database Exception and Errors--->

<CFSET insertCount=#insertCount#+1>
<CFIF Departure IS &quot;Y&quot;>
<CFQUERY name=&quot;DailyDeparture&quot; datasource=&quot;DC_Schools&quot;>
UPDATE Daily_Rec
SET <!---Time_in_first_half='#AttendanceArray[2][outercounter]#',---> Time_out_second_half='#AttendanceArray[3][outercounter]#'
WHERE Spec_Code='#AttendanceArray[1][outercounter]#' AND String_Date='#DateFormat(Now(), &quot;mm/dd/yy&quot;)#'

<CFSET insertCount=#insertCount#+1>



<CFSET AttendanceList=ArrayNew(2)>
<CFSET loopcount=1>

<cfloop index=&quot;Spec_codeList&quot; list=&quot;#Spec_code#&quot;>
<CFSET AttendanceList[loopcount][loopcount]=#Spec_codeList#>
<cfloop INDEX=&quot;TimeIn&quot; LIST=&quot;#Time#&quot;>
<CFSET AttendanceList[loopcount][loopcount+1]=#TimeIn#>
<CFSET PresentVar = &quot;Present#Spec_codeList#&quot;>
<CFSET PresVar = &quot;Present#Spec_codeList#&quot;>
<CFIF NOT Evaluate(&quot;ParameterExists(#PresVar#)&quot;)>
<CFSET Present = &quot;N&quot;>
<CFSET Present = Evaluate(&quot;Present#Spec_codeList#&quot;)>

<CFSET loopcount=#loopcount#+1>

<div align=&quot;center&quot;><FONT size=&quot;+1&quot;><B>Attendance was successfully recorded for <CFOUTPUT>#insertCount# #Group#</CFOUTPUT><CFIF insertcount GT 1>s</cfif> </B></FONT></div><br><br><br>

<div align=&quot;center&quot;><a href=&quot;DCPSAttendMenu.cfm&quot;><font size=&quot;+1&quot; color=&quot;Red&quot;>Return to Attendance Menu</font></a></div>


Nothing jumps out at me. Maybe it will for someone else. If you could post the structure of your database(s) field widths,types etc that may be helpful. I still bet you are overfilling a field. What database are you using? I would try checking your date fields. They can be very picky about formatting. What line is 101?
Hi eagle1wi

Thanx for your reply!. I too feel that it may overfilling a field.

Here is the table structure.

Table Name: daily_rec

Field Datatype Length

Spec_Code char 10 Time_In_First_half char 8
Time_Out_First_half char 8
Time_In_Second_half char 8
Time_Out_Second_half char 8
Attendence_Date char 8
Attendence_Code char 7
String_Date char 8
Present char 1
Snack char 1
Hours char 2
Shift char 2
School_Name char 32
AM_Teacher char 10
PM_Teacher char 10

I think your are inserting/update a field with the size larger than specified in table.
For example if you are inserting more than 2 characters for &quot;Shipt&quot; field you will get this error. you may have to use left function to truncate the field value while inserting.
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