I am getting the errors
0 [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed IM006 Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
-11048 [Informix][Informix ODBC Driver]Unable to load translation DLL. IM009 Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
I think the first one is informational only. But the second one? It is definetly not connecting to the DB.
I have downloaded and installed MDAC. My ODBC version is 3.01.
Any ideas? I'm really stuck.
0 [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed IM006 Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
-11048 [Informix][Informix ODBC Driver]Unable to load translation DLL. IM009 Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
I think the first one is informational only. But the second one? It is definetly not connecting to the DB.
I have downloaded and installed MDAC. My ODBC version is 3.01.
Any ideas? I'm really stuck.