First off the title is a little misleading. I do get an ODBC error, but only if the Disk Cache is emptied or the system hasn't executed the script recently. this is a weird one. Hopefully a super-geek can help.
Ok.. on with it..
I've got an Asp script that connects to Oracle using ODBC and then issues an alter user command to change passwords.
There's 2 docs. The Form.html and the ChgPassword.asp The form sends the info to the asp and the asp does the work.
When I clear my cache, and submit the form for the first time I get. the following error.
(Based on the objects objConn.errors(counter).number and objConn.errors(counter).description)
Error #0
Error desc. -> [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed
Here's the script.
If Error = 0 Then
On Error Resume Next
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
objConn.Open "dsn=PRD16A;uid=" & Userid & ";pwd=" & Password & ";"
If objConn.errors.count > 0 then
Response.write("<h2>Database Errors Occured</h2>" & "<P>"
For counter= 0 to objConn.errors.count
Response.write("<B>Error #" & objConn.errors(counter).number & "<BR>"
Response.write("Error desc. -> " & objConn.errors(counter).description & "<P></B>"
counter = counter +1
'do the password change.
I am running on IIS5 on W2K Server. Client is IE 5.50.4807
You will notice there is no error number. Here's the quirky thing. When I refresh the document, the script runs fine. I've tried Oracle ODBC drivers, but I still get the same error. Any ideas?
I will cross post this in the Database and asp scripting forums.
First off the title is a little misleading. I do get an ODBC error, but only if the Disk Cache is emptied or the system hasn't executed the script recently. this is a weird one. Hopefully a super-geek can help.
Ok.. on with it..
I've got an Asp script that connects to Oracle using ODBC and then issues an alter user command to change passwords.
There's 2 docs. The Form.html and the ChgPassword.asp The form sends the info to the asp and the asp does the work.
When I clear my cache, and submit the form for the first time I get. the following error.
(Based on the objects objConn.errors(counter).number and objConn.errors(counter).description)
Error #0
Error desc. -> [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed
Here's the script.
If Error = 0 Then
On Error Resume Next
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
objConn.Open "dsn=PRD16A;uid=" & Userid & ";pwd=" & Password & ";"
If objConn.errors.count > 0 then
Response.write("<h2>Database Errors Occured</h2>" & "<P>"
For counter= 0 to objConn.errors.count
Response.write("<B>Error #" & objConn.errors(counter).number & "<BR>"
Response.write("Error desc. -> " & objConn.errors(counter).description & "<P></B>"
counter = counter +1
'do the password change.
I am running on IIS5 on W2K Server. Client is IE 5.50.4807
You will notice there is no error number. Here's the quirky thing. When I refresh the document, the script runs fine. I've tried Oracle ODBC drivers, but I still get the same error. Any ideas?
I will cross post this in the Database and asp scripting forums.