What I've done ?
- I've developed an MTS component that open a connection
to a database and execute a simple statment ( Insert Into etc... )
- I've created two System DSN, one for a Informix 7.31.UC5
and another for Informix 9.20.
What I'm trying to do ?
- I'm trying to execute this -> "DSN=IFX920"
What his happening ?
- I get this error :
err.Description : No such interface supported
err.Source : Provider
err.Number - vbObjectError : -245758
What I've done ?
- I've already tryed the same thing with the component
outside of MTS and everything works fine, I mean the connection
it's establihed.
- I've use the same component in the MTS enviroment but
with the follwing line -> "DNS=IFX731" and
everything works fine.
What I'm asking ?
Does anyone know what has to be made for a component inside MTS
can establish a connection to a 9.20 Informix Server ?
Tanks for further help,
Hugo Leitão