I've got an Asp script that connects to Oracle using ODBC and then issues an alter user command to change passwords.
There's 2 docs. The Form.html and the ChgPassword.asp The form sends the info to the asp and the asp does the work.
When I clear my cache, and submit the form for the first time I get. the following error.
(Based on the objects objConn.errors(counter).number and objConn.errors(counter).description)
Error #0
Error desc. -> [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed
Here's the script.
If Error = 0 Then
On Error Resume Next
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
objConn.Open "dsn=PRD16A;uid=" & Userid & ";pwd=" & Password & ";"
If objConn.errors.count > 0 then
Response.write("<h2>Database Errors Occured</h2>" & "<P>"
For counter= 0 to objConn.errors.count
Response.write("<B>Error #" & objConn.errors(counter).number & "<BR>"
Response.write("Error desc. -> " & objConn.errors(counter).description & "<P></B>"
counter = counter +1
'do the password change.
I am running on IIS5 on W2K Server. Client is IE 5.50.4807
You will notice there is no error number. Here's the quirky thing. When I refresh the document, the script runs fine. I've tried Oracle ODBC drivers, but I still get the same error. Any ideas?
I will cross post this in the Database and asp scripting forums.
I've got an Asp script that connects to Oracle using ODBC and then issues an alter user command to change passwords.
There's 2 docs. The Form.html and the ChgPassword.asp The form sends the info to the asp and the asp does the work.
When I clear my cache, and submit the form for the first time I get. the following error.
(Based on the objects objConn.errors(counter).number and objConn.errors(counter).description)
Error #0
Error desc. -> [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed
Here's the script.
If Error = 0 Then
On Error Resume Next
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
objConn.Open "dsn=PRD16A;uid=" & Userid & ";pwd=" & Password & ";"
If objConn.errors.count > 0 then
Response.write("<h2>Database Errors Occured</h2>" & "<P>"
For counter= 0 to objConn.errors.count
Response.write("<B>Error #" & objConn.errors(counter).number & "<BR>"
Response.write("Error desc. -> " & objConn.errors(counter).description & "<P></B>"
counter = counter +1
'do the password change.
I am running on IIS5 on W2K Server. Client is IE 5.50.4807
You will notice there is no error number. Here's the quirky thing. When I refresh the document, the script runs fine. I've tried Oracle ODBC drivers, but I still get the same error. Any ideas?
I will cross post this in the Database and asp scripting forums.