I have crystal report X connected to some oracle linked tables in Access for reports. The reason is to change the customer_IDs and dates of the queries which I am making reports of. Now, since I installed Oracle Design on my computer, the connection of Crystal reports to Access is now a hell of a lot slower!! The weird thing is, when I try these queries from ms Access it works as fast as always.Now I am wondering how the crystal report is connected to access. Isn't through ODBC ?? Does it have anything to do with my tnsnames file??
Thanks for any help.
I have crystal report X connected to some oracle linked tables in Access for reports. The reason is to change the customer_IDs and dates of the queries which I am making reports of. Now, since I installed Oracle Design on my computer, the connection of Crystal reports to Access is now a hell of a lot slower!! The weird thing is, when I try these queries from ms Access it works as fast as always.Now I am wondering how the crystal report is connected to access. Isn't through ODBC ?? Does it have anything to do with my tnsnames file??
Thanks for any help.