Rajesh Karunakaran
Hi friends,
I am connecting and read/write to MySql using ODBC 8.0. While things are working, I find the communication between VFP vs MySql seems to be slower than what I would expect. By the way, the MySql is in cloud, may be that affects!
Commands like in:
If anyone has any thoughts on this, please share.
EDIT: I think the above query is too generalized. Let me check, do some trials and come back here with more precise observations & figures.
I am connecting and read/write to MySql using ODBC 8.0. While things are working, I find the communication between VFP vs MySql seems to be slower than what I would expect. By the way, the MySql is in cloud, may be that affects!
lcConnStr = "Driver={MySQL ODBC 8.0 ANSI Driver}" + ;
";Port=" + lcPort + ;
";Server=" + lcSrvr + ;
";Database=" + lcDb + ;
";Uid=" + lcUser + ;
";Pwd=" + lcPwd + ";"
Commands like in:
lCmd = "UPDATE table SET " + ;
"type_id = " + ALLTRIM(STR(m.type_id)) + " " + ;
",datetime_from = '" + m.datetime_from) + "' " + ;
",updated_id = " + ALLTRIM(STR(gUserId)) + " " + ;
"WHERE id = " + ALLTRIM(STR(m.recid))
If anyone has any thoughts on this, please share.
EDIT: I think the above query is too generalized. Let me check, do some trials and come back here with more precise observations & figures.