Hello,<br><br>I have an question about odbc. I have made an invoice system in MS Access<br>and a sales relations system in Visual Fox Pro. I have connected those two by an remote view<br>Visual Fox Pro. At home (where I develop, I am a dutch student) works the connection fine.<br>But when I have implemented the both systems at the company I work for and I wantt to transmit data<br>From the sales relation system to the invoice system, there will occur an pop-up form where i must specify the path of where the invoice system is located (ms acces database). I don’t want that pop-up form to appear, but<br>I don’t understand why it occurs at the company and not at home. The only difference is that i have at home<br>Visual For Pro installed (maybe has it something to do with the “verify connection” option when you can make <br>An connection with a remote view ?).<br><br>Is there someone who knows how I can solve this<br><br>The code I used is :<br><br>OPEN database (dbf_dir + 'factuur_data') && in this dbc is the remote view made<br>USE remote_factuur_view<br><br>*** Here comes the pop-up form in which i must locate the ms acces database<br> after location everything works fine<br><br>WAIT window (" Datatransport naar factureringssysteem " timeout 2<br>LOCATE for alltrim(upper(klantid))= alltrim(upper(pb_klantid))<br>IF eof ()<br>*** toevoegen record<br> SET filter to<br>*thisform.odbc_update<br> INSERT into remote_factuur_view (klantid) values(pb_klantid)<br> SELE remote_factuur_view<br> thisform.odbc_insert<br> USE<br> ELSE<br>*** wijzigen bestaande record***<br> thisform.odbc_update<br> SELE remote_factuur_view<br> USE<br> ENDIF<br>