I hade some problems loading the page from the previous thread so i opened this new one, so i could answer to your post. Postgre connection is just like you posted it. That ok. Table that i browse is a part of a 1:many relation. There is an invoice number and invoce item number in the key. When you select an invoice you end up with this browse box showing invoice items of that particular invoice.
It'works fine when i put file for the load method, but it takes to long to read the data.
Is there something else that could be the root of thid problem, does the range limit and range limit value make a problem
I hade some problems loading the page from the previous thread so i opened this new one, so i could answer to your post. Postgre connection is just like you posted it. That ok. Table that i browse is a part of a 1:many relation. There is an invoice number and invoce item number in the key. When you select an invoice you end up with this browse box showing invoice items of that particular invoice.
It'works fine when i put file for the load method, but it takes to long to read the data.
Is there something else that could be the root of thid problem, does the range limit and range limit value make a problem