Has anyone ever come across an upgrade failure on an Octel 250 online upgrade using diskettes (not tape)?
I am upgrading from A.2 to A.3.11 using diskettes. I have loaded the Online upgrade tool on my laptop aswell as the 10 software diskettes and I've started the upgrade. The Online upgrade tool connects to the Octel 250 and completes all the necessary checks and begins the upgrade. The failure happens when Packet number 5 (OS.abs) is transmitted. The Octel returns a 15 (not too sure what that means but it doesn't like it!). The packet keeps being retransmitted. I eventually had to stop the upgrade.
Avaya told me to check both phrases and software are redundant - they are!!
Can anyone help? Has anyone seen this happen before?
Has anyone ever come across an upgrade failure on an Octel 250 online upgrade using diskettes (not tape)?
I am upgrading from A.2 to A.3.11 using diskettes. I have loaded the Online upgrade tool on my laptop aswell as the 10 software diskettes and I've started the upgrade. The Online upgrade tool connects to the Octel 250 and completes all the necessary checks and begins the upgrade. The failure happens when Packet number 5 (OS.abs) is transmitted. The Octel returns a 15 (not too sure what that means but it doesn't like it!). The packet keeps being retransmitted. I eventually had to stop the upgrade.
Avaya told me to check both phrases and software are redundant - they are!!
Can anyone help? Has anyone seen this happen before?