Here is a problem description from one of the users:
“Yesterday I noticed that the VM light was flashing. I had previously used the phone several times in the preceding days and had not heard a stutter dialtone so assumed the message had arrived very recently.
I accessed the VM box and listened to the message. It was from Tim but the topic was something that had been active earlier in the week and sounded like old news. I called Tim to ask if he had left the message on Wednesday and he confirmed that he had, in fact, left it several days earlier. I didn't ask him specifically when.
As I noted in the request, I have experienced this same problem before.”
This user had the exact issue before, and at that time, I just deleted his mailbox and created it again. His COS is general for all users.
No other users in the company report this issue.
Where do I start?
Any help will be much appreciated.