Hope someone can help me with this one. I have an asp page that connects to an excel file and displays the contents of the file from a range that I set. In one of the columns however, the values of the cell contains a string which also is a hyperlink. I can grab the string value, however I am not able to obtain the hyperlink value of the string. Can this be done? Here is a sample of my code:
sDBQ = "DBQ=\\PathHere\excelfile.xls"
sConnect = "DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};" & sDBQ
sSource = "SELECT * FROM Gadget_Data"
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"
rs.Open sSource, sConnect
The above is my connection to the file where Gadget Data is the range specified. I then make a for loop to display the value of each cell:
For each item in rs.Fields
Response.Write item.value & " "
Thanks in advance guys.
sDBQ = "DBQ=\\PathHere\excelfile.xls"
sConnect = "DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};" & sDBQ
sSource = "SELECT * FROM Gadget_Data"
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"
rs.Open sSource, sConnect
The above is my connection to the file where Gadget Data is the range specified. I then make a for loop to display the value of each cell:
For each item in rs.Fields
Response.Write item.value & " "
Thanks in advance guys.