Being a responsible guy I check my logs frequently. In the case of my apache access log I have various entries from errant IIS servers trying to spread the NIMDA worm.
Since I know where these are originating from I intend to notify the ISP. However, this ISP would like the MAC Address of the offending machines. Is there an easy way I can get this? I know it can be done but I'm not to sure how.
I'd like to run this in a script.
Software Engineer
ICQ No. 56047340
Being a responsible guy I check my logs frequently. In the case of my apache access log I have various entries from errant IIS servers trying to spread the NIMDA worm.
Since I know where these are originating from I intend to notify the ISP. However, this ISP would like the MAC Address of the offending machines. Is there an easy way I can get this? I know it can be done but I'm not to sure how.
I'd like to run this in a script.
Software Engineer
ICQ No. 56047340