I am creating a program using VB6. I am interested in obtaining the terms code solely based on the description.
The .read doesn't find it and just passes over it and the .browse returns 'Terms Code Critical Error'.
I have also verified that the description passed over matches exactly the terms code description.
Could anyone provide insight as too what I may be doing wrong?
I am creating a program using VB6. I am interested in obtaining the terms code solely based on the description.
Dim ARRTA As AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacView
On Error GoTo ERR_Handler
If Trim$(pTDesc) = "" Then Exit Function
mpDBLINK.OpenView "AR0016", ARRTA
'.Browse "TEXTDESC = " & Trim$(pTDesc) & "", True
'If .Fetch Then
.Fields("TEXTDESC").Value = Trim$(pTDesc)
If .Read Then
Return_CustTermsCode = Trim$(.Fields("CODETERM").Value)
End If
End With
Set ARRTA = Nothing
Exit Function
The .read doesn't find it and just passes over it and the .browse returns 'Terms Code Critical Error'.
I have also verified that the description passed over matches exactly the terms code description.
Could anyone provide insight as too what I may be doing wrong?