I’m programming with Fox for a long time now. I’ve created a lot of utility classes, build from derived classes of FFC, some of them are made from other bases class. I usually distribute an .EXE and I never had to distribute the code of my sources base class.
New client, new restrictions.
I can Instantiate an object from a .APP library, so I don’t have to distribute the .VCX or .PRG
My question is: is it possible to derived one class from another, even if the base class is not a .VCX ?
OLE is not an option and maybe and .FXP
Here something I want to do
Thanks in advance.
New client, new restrictions.
I can Instantiate an object from a .APP library, so I don’t have to distribute the .VCX or .PRG
My question is: is it possible to derived one class from another, even if the base class is not a .VCX ?
OLE is not an option and maybe and .FXP
Here something I want to do
* Instantiate from test01.app - working
LOCAL lom AS Object
lom = NEWOBJECT("_ocustom", "_oclass", "test01.app")
lom.cBoxMess = "Test - App"
MESSAGEBOX(lom.cBoxMess, 0+ 64, "Test 1")
lom = NULL
* Instantiate from dev_ocustom – not working
LOCAL lom AS Object
lom = NEWOBJECT("dev_ocustom")
MESSAGEBOX(lom.cBoxMess, 0+ 64, "Test 2")
lom = NULL
* Derived from _ocustom in test01.app – not working
DEFINE CLASS dev_ocustom AS _ocustom OF "p:\objitech\apps\develop\test01.app"
THIS.cBoxMess = "Test Sub-Class"
Thanks in advance.