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Technical User
Nov 19, 2001

We are attempting to upgrade our Novell Clients to the latest version for all OS platforms. We came across a few errors while attempting to use ACU.

ERROR: NWREGSVR caused an invalid page fault in module NRDWIN32.DLL at 0167:00d74770

ERROR: MPREXE caused invalid page fault in module NRDWIN32.DLL at 0167:004eed8c

Both these errors occured right after the system was rebooted. When you click on close the error goes away but the system takes a long time to boot. We have disabled Mcafee in the beginnig prior to upgrading the client on the WIN98 machine. Doesnt seem to happen to the Windows 2000 pro platform. To fix the issue we had to download the client from Novell and then reinstall the Client. This works fine but we would rather not have to do that to all the WIN9x boxes here on campus. We did not find any information on Novell's website pertaining to this issue. Any ideas?


Are you running Winsock v1.0 or v2.0?

By default, I believe that its Winsock v2.0.

Try running the c:\WINDOWS\WS2BAKUP\WS2BAKUP.BAT which will ruj a batch file to downgrade the Winsock running on the workstation to v1.0.

We had numerous problems when we starting installing the NetWare Client v3.30. Then we discovered this Winsock issue and the fix took care of the problems.

There is also a way to disable the update to Winsock v2.0 in the ACU. There are TID's regarding this on the Novell Website.

Good Luck.

Good Luck.
Could not find any documentation (TID's) on Novell's site. Please, advise.. I tried edit the unattended file for the win9x machines but to no avail. I did find the NWREGSVR executable in the SYS volume. I checked both the old and new NWREGSVR files and they are identical in size. Thanks for the help!
Did you run the Winsock Update batch file yet? Did that help?

Please advise.
Is there any way to do this via the ACU. It would be difficult to do every machine on campus by running that batch file. Sorry, about the confusion the last reply. What I meant is that I did not find any TID's to disable the update to Winsock v2.0 in the ACU.
Modify the NWSETUP.INI file within the NetWare Client Software Directory.

There is a section heading called [Client.Run].
Remark out the line...


This will cause the NetWare Client Installation to neverrun the Winsock v2.0 setup against the workstation.

Good Luck.
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