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NW5 Server & Client

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Aug 11, 1998
I just installed a NW5 server with 5 users. Protocol is IP and IPX.<br>
There is no problem doing this setup and the server is up and<br>
running ok. Assume the server name is ABServer and tree name ABTree<br>
and context is ABContext. To test it, I setup up to hub with a workstation only.<br>
I then use Clinet32 v3.1 95/98 to login to the server. Client is also using IP and IPX protocol. The problem is when I login,<br>
"\\ABTree is not accessible.<br>
The computer or sharename could not be found. Make sure you typed it correctly and try it again."<br>
At this workstation I can ping to my server. When I browse the network, I can see the server name and I can see NDS name. But I<br>
just can not login.<br>
Another problem is, when I ping from the server console to this workstation, I got an error message "critical error".<br>
I must have missed some steps during my setup of NW5.<br>
Can anyone out there, please give some guides/helps to resolve this<br>
problem. Thank you in advance.<br>
Is the MicroSoft client on that machine? If so, be sure that the Novell client is the preferred binding.<br>
Can the server ping itself? The "critical error" is not good. Maybe a problem with LAN card and/or its drivers. Anyway that you can look at the packets to/from the file server?? If so, can you see the SAP coming from the WS and the return SAP from the file server? When you type "config" at the server, do the responses look reasonable (everything bound, etc.)?? I guess I would start at the LAN card end first.
make sure when you log in your context is correct and you are also logging in as admin. If you have never logged in before there will be no users except admin created. you must add them to the tree
I don't think it's in the setup, but in configuration.<br>
Try to drop the client for MS networks if it's installed,<br>
or just bind it after netware (first login : Netware networks). Maybe it's a NIc problem, or communnication.<br>
Did you try connecting with a crossed wire ? (directly to the server ) ?<br>

If you are using novell servers with TCPIP applications on other servers you need to install the novell client as pure IPX. Otherwise, your client will kill microsoft TCPIP. Solution:- possibly you can remove the novell client. POssibly you can remove the whole netwrok setup on the pc, and Possibly you can reinstall the pc. Sorry, this has happened to me before, and now I'm careful Pure IPX only, always.
on the workstation run winipcfg. You may get an error that says, fatal ip configuration. If so reply to this and I'll tell you the fix. To long winded to type it all out for no reason. Lee Smith
Xenon Network Services
Snr. Technical Support
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