NuPoint directory by name is functioning and transferring to correct name. However it goes straight to the users MB without trying the extension first. I assume this is a Call Flow COS feature that needs enabling, but I can't find which one.
Could not find the "M" anywhere. I did find treament in Misc tab of the mailbix, day & night were unchecked; tried enabling and selecting 1, but it made no difference. I read in the help that dial-by-name transfers to the mailbox. I just assumed it tried the extension first, but that does not appear to be the case.
The correct wording is mailbox note mailboxes programmed do not necessarily have extensions.
How are you testing the dial by name, ie externally through auto attendant?
Dial by name can call the extension first. What it does would depend on how the line groups is programmed ( voicememo vs receptionist ) or if you are using call director how the call director is configured. As Waldo says if the voicemail box type is set to M ( mailbox only ) then it would go straight to the mailbox from an A/A.
I'd tell you a UDP joke but I'm afraid you won't get it. TCP jokes are the best because you always get them.
Yes I am using a Call Flow; pressing 3 is a blind transfer to 6000 (VM HG), then caller is told they can dial an extension or press 3 (again)for DBN; I tried making 3 go to DBN directly, but call stays connected and I hear no DBN greeting audio/options.
NuPoint Config:
Group #1: "Voice Mail"
Module 1: Lines 0:0 0:1 0:2 0:3 0:4 0:5 0:6 0:7 0:8
Voice Recognition Conn: <none>
Application = [NUPOINT VOICE]
NP Call Director Interface
Dial plan = [4,4,a,4,4,4,4,4,3]
Administrator mbox # = [998]
General Greeting mbox # = []
Attendant mbox # = [999]
Transfer Call Box # = []
Wait Prompt = [Y]
Caller multiple messages enabled = [Y]
KEY_0 for attendant transfer during greeting = [N]
Disconnect string = []
Pre-company name string = []
Pre-mailbox greeting string = []
Passcode Length Min = [4], Max = [10]
"6" Key Operator Transfer Dial String = []
"6" Key Operator Transfer pre-Dial String = []
Start of day = [08:00 AM], End of day = [05:00 PM], Days of Week = [DDDDDNN]
Passcode trip count = [5], Passcode trip period = [24]
Dial-by-name: Last First = [Y], Match Threshold = [3], Exact = [Y]
Suppress Number = [N], Single Digit Access = [N]
Delay Before Answer = [50]
E-mail Transfer String = []
Allow Dial an Extension for callers = [Y], users = [Y]
Analog Networking: Call Setup timeout = [6]
International Access Code = [], Country code = []
Area/City code = [], 1plus dialing = []
Area/City code is dialed with Local Telephone Number = [N]
Telephone number = [], Loop-back Test Mailbox = []
Name Greet Quality = [0], Message Quality = [0]
Pre-DN = [S+], Post-DN = [+H], Connect = [], Serial = [S+]
Return = [S+], Return call reject = [++], Reorder Action = [0H]
PBX dial plan = [4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,3]
Offsets = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
Deleted digits = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
Timeout for receipt of first DTMF digit (.1 seconds) = [0]
Greet/Name = [G], PBX console operation = [N]
Day operator = [0H], Night operator = [0H]
Attendant extension = [0]
TDD - Dialtone detect time = [0]
TDD - Minimum Dialtone Detect Power = [0]
TDD - Play delay after DTMF detect = [0]
Think based on your line group programming calls to the line group would go directly to a mailbox. However if a call director is in play it would be controlling what you are seeing happening.
I'd tell you a UDP joke but I'm afraid you won't get it. TCP jokes are the best because you always get them.
I just revisited call flow. digit 3 is a blind transfer to VM; if I change it to DBN: match=blind xfr, no match=attnd, and I call in and select 3, I hear no audio for 90 seconds, then xfr to attn.
I thought I answered the question already. Above the NuPoint config, I mentioned pressing 3 in the call flow is a blind transfer to the VM HG; it is then answered by the open hours greeting recorded in the admin MB.
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