All of a sudden when I dial my VM pilot number from my phone, it now act like I dont have a mailbox assigned to my phone. Instead when I dial my pilot number it goes straight to the company AA. Prior to this not working the only thing I changed was added the hunt group in nupoint for Mitai messaging for MWI. after the activation, no users can reach thier mailboxes by dialing the pilot number.
After I typed through the whole message I realized a change I had made a while back when encountering this problem. It seems as if somehow the line group dial plan settings were reset or change back to its default setting of 3. after changing that to 4 everything is fine. though it seems like my greeting that I recorded 10 minutes ago is gone now. strange
After I typed through the whole message I realized a change I had made a while back when encountering this problem. It seems as if somehow the line group dial plan settings were reset or change back to its default setting of 3. after changing that to 4 everything is fine. though it seems like my greeting that I recorded 10 minutes ago is gone now. strange